Page 91 of Fierce- Royce
Chloe grabbed her phone and went to sit in the living room. He said he was going to go upstairs and work out and give her space anyway and she appreciated that.
Not that she thought he’d eavesdrop, but it was nice to not worry.
She sat down on the couch and put her feet up. Once she heard the music playing upstairs she knew Royce was working out and she dialed Dane.
“Hey,” her brother said on the first ring. “What’s going on?”
“Thanks for being around to talk,” she said.
“Always. Does this have to do with Emily?”
She had banked on him thinking that and not questioning the reason for the call. She had been thinking more about her birth mother now that she was going to be a parent too, but she hadn’t talked to Royce about it.
She knew he wouldn’t care and tell her it was her decision, but there was part of her that wanted his input too.
They’d had this conversation before about it not making a difference about knowing genetics to have a kid, but now that it was a reality, he might be thinking differently.
“No,” she said. “I wanted to tell you that I’m dating someone.”
“Oh,” Dane said. “That’s nice. How long have you been?”
“Almost four months,” she said.
“Wow. It’s not like you to keep that secret for so long. How come you did?”
“It’s long and complicated. I’ll fill you in briefly if you can not interrupt,” she said.
“Okay,” he said.
She told him all about her bosses and what they were trying to do. How Royce’s father was in on it too and that she and Royce were approaching it their way. She didn’t say it was just sex. There were some things you just didn’t say to your older brother.
“So you see, there was a reason we were keeping it secret. We just started out slow. More like friends, I guess. Well, more than that.”
She figured she better add that part since she was pregnant and he could do the math and know it happened pretty fast into their relationship.
Jesus, she was thinking it probably happened the night they were playing with the brownies in bed. Could you imagine on Valentine’s Day and a messy sex session with chocolate? It was funny in a way. She hadn’t said anything to Royce about it, but it had crossed her mind this week.
“Sounds like things are going well. You know I’m going to want to meet him.”
“He knows about you.” She paused for a minute. “He knows about Emily. It’s his friend that is the PI he put me in contact with.”
“Well now,” Dane said. “It’s not like you to share that much with someone this soon into a relationship.”
She knew saying that would explain a lot to him. “No. I guess we just clicked right off the bat. It’s a good thing too.”
“Yeah,” Dane asked. “Why is that?”
“I’m pregnant, Dane.”
There was silence that greeted her. “How far along are you?”
“About nine weeks at this point. Give or take. I’m due November first.”
“So you’ve got to tell Mom and Dad that you are not only dating someone, but they are going to be grandparents again?” Dane asked.
“I hear the humor in your voice. But yes.”
“Is Royce going with you today?” Dane asked.