Page 15 of Bought By Three Men
Ava (Day 1)
I don’t know you, but I see you every night. When I close my eyes, you are there—standing among the flames. I try to reach you.
When I was little, I would dream I was floating. The trees would reach for me pulling me down. I could never get out of their grasp. Now instead of trees, it’s fire. No matter how hard I try, I can’t reach you.
I imagine what you must be like. What type of person are you? Do you have loved ones? I could look you up, but I never will. Some things are too painful. Instead, I’ll just imagine you. I know it’s silly to imagine a woman I have never met. Yet, I can’t help it. You are seared into my soul. Like the flames, you have scorched me.
Adam Gould.
I readthe letter multiple times on my way to my new home. As beautiful as it was, it confused me. He had just purchased me, and yet he acted like he had thought of me for years. Or was it a metaphor? Maybe he hoped for a particular type of woman. Perhaps I was a replacement for someone he loved.
“Is that from the third purchaser?” Mr. Ethan Moore, tattoo guy, held out his hand.
I folded it up and shoved it back into the envelope. “That’s none of your business.”
“If we have to share you with him or her, it is our business.” Mr. Tristan Miller, no smiles snapped.
They had a limo pick us up from the auction. The thing was so long. I had never been in a car, yet alone something like this. Felix would love it. He had a thing for vehicles. Totally fascinated by the whole concept.
“You say that as if I am a piece of property,” I snapped back.
“You are ours. Have been since we saw you fight.” Ethan clasped his hands together.
I ignored the way my stomach fluttered at his words. His possessiveness gave me a feeling I had never had before: being wanted. It was an odd thing to feel wanted, and I liked it. All the years I wasted on Brad, he never made me feel that way.Maybe I could last five years.
“Now give us the letter!” Tristan demanded.
Maybe I wouldn’t last.
“Two conditions.” I might as well get what I could from them.
They both nodded, waiting for me to continue.
“One, if you know him, I want to know everything.”
They nodded in unison.
That was easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully, the next would be as well. It was what I really wanted. “Two, I want my family to be at our exchange of vows.”
“Done.” Ethan reached out with his tattooed hand.
I gave him the letter. Both of the men quickly scanned it. Ethan then folded it up and placed it in his pocket.
“Hey, that’s mine,” I pouted.
“Come get it.” The bastard winked at me.
I debated it. Climbing on him, squirming around while I tried to reach into his pocket. Maybe he would tickle me. Maybe both would join in. I shook my head, trying to dismiss the images.
“So, Adam Gould?” I crossed my arms.
“Don’t know much.” Ethan shrugged. “He’s a recluse. Rumor has it he is deformed, some accident or something.”
That would explain the letter. Adam was worried about being seen. Maybe I would write him back, let him know something like that would never bother me. We had a week to consummate the marriage, I would see him at some point.
The limo rolled to a stop in front of a massive mansion. It looked freshly built or at least remodeled. Homeless usually stayed away from this side of town unless they worked there. I never had a reason to come here. Being this close to a pristine structure was breath-taking and scary. To know someone owned all of it and lived there was insane.
“Welcome home, Peach,” Ethan whispered in my ear, sending chills down my back.