Page 25 of Bought By Three Men
“Maybe I am the boogie man.” I wiped a tear away.
“That would explain the bite,” he chuckled.
“Sorry about that,” I mumbled.
“Don’t be. I heard you screaming. When I came in here, I couldn’t find you. Your arm flopped from under the bed. Scared the crap outta me. I grabbed at you. Had I realized it was you at first, I would have just got under the bed with you.” His fingertips grazed my leg. He pulled back.
“Why?” I didn’t mean to flinch at his touch, it was the after-effects of the dream.
“To keep you company. You aren’t the only one with nightmares.”
“But the whole non-disclosure.” I shouldn’t have been so bitter about that. It just made me feel unwanted by him.
“That’s different. Now come on. You’ll sleep better on the bed.” He started scooching over.
“No thanks.”
“Okay.” he came back.
His body was pressed against mine. This time he didn’t try to touch me. A small part of me wished he would have. I had never fallen asleep in someone’s arms. Brad said cuddling made him sweat.
What was wrong with me? I was next to a super hot guy that was about to be my husband, and I was thinking about Brad. My stomach clenched.
The letter. I had fallen asleep holding it. I felt around for it. Nothing. Tristan snored lightly beside me. Hopefully, he was laying on it, and I could grab it in the morning before he saw it.
I snuggled up next to him. The smell of citrus and bark filled my nostrils. Listening to his breathing, I fell asleep.
Tristan (Day 2)
I sat up.Well, I tried to. My head slammed into a metal bar. What the? Rubbing my head, I realized I was still under the bed with Ava.
Last night I couldn’t fall asleep and found myself outside her door. Instead of doing the normal thing and knocking, I stood there.
At first, I thought her grumbles were moaning. There was no way I was going to listen to her please herself. No matter how many times I told myself to leave, I stayed there.
Then the scream came. I barged in and scanned the room. Nothing. Where was she?
A piece of paper was next to the bed and covered in what looked like blood. I picked it up.
Your blood will splash the walls.
Fuck! It had to be Lisa. After our meeting, she must have found out I was getting married. This was her way of getting back at me for not giving her part of the Moore inheritance. Not that I could have if I wanted to. She didn’t realize that. Lisa was too lost in the drugs.
An arm flopped from under the bed. Fuck. Did Ava do something stupid? My heart sank. I grabbed her arm and pulled. She bit me. Phew. She was alive. I crawled under the bed with her.
It was something I learned from my late wife. When battling demons, silent company was sometimes the best.
While she was still sleeping, I crawled out from under the bed. My body ached. I wished she would have slept on the bed. Maybe I wouldn’t have woken up like I got trapped inside a coffin.
I crept out of her room. Hopefully, it was still early enough that everyone was still asleep.
Joseph came barreling down the hall. Guess I wasn’t that lucky. He had on his swim trunks. That kid would live in the water if I let him.
“Daddy!” He wrapped his arms around me for a quick hug.
“Don’t you have school?” I asked.