Page 34 of Bought By Three Men
“Nurse Damar will be here in one hour.” Brian checked his watch. “Well, fifty-seven minutes.”
“Cancel. We have other plans.” I hadn’t planned on bringing Brian with me, but this was his mess.
“Plans? Who is coming here?” he asked.
“No one. We are going somewhere,” I replied.
Brian opened his mouth and closed it. He did that three more times. I just grinned at him. It had been six years since I left the house.
I adjusted my mask several times. After the fire, I had it made. It covered the right side of my face, conformed to my face and moved with my movements. It was creepy. You could tell it was fake. It was like one of those AI dolls. I hated it.
I walked into my grandparent's house without knocking. I lived with them periodically over the years. When my parents would decide they didn’t want to be bothered with me, they would drop me off.
Their butler Corbin ran over to me. “Master Adam. Oh my. It’s been years.” He flung his arms around me. Since he was a little person, it was somewhat awkward.
“Are my grandparents home?” I asked, stepping back.
“Yes. They are entertaining on the patio.” Corbin gave a little bow.
“Entertaining? Who?” If it were my parents, I would turn and leave.
“A young lady.” Corbin winked at me.
My stomach turned. Could it be Ava Palmer? How would she know to come here? Did they send for her? I told her in the letter I would send for her. She could have thought it was me.
I wasn’t ready. Shouldn’t, couldn’t meet me like this. I had on jeans and a t-shirt. My hair hung in my face. The mask. Fuck. She couldn’t see me. Not to mention, what if I didn’t like her?
“Could you tell them I need to speak with them? It’s imperative. I’ll be in the family room waiting.” I turned and walked away. Bri followed without a word.
Their family room was unlike any I had ever seen. They took the word literally. Pictures of the Gould family littered the walls. Our family was bigger than most. My grandparents had eight children. Their children had multiple children. I was the only one out of all the cousins that didn’t have any kids. I intended to keep it that way.
I tripped over a box of legos. Those things were evil. Some of the great-grandchildren must have been here or still were. I didn’t know most of them. When the accident first happened my cousins and siblings wouldn’t bring them by. My nephew cried when he saw my face. I stopped letting them in.
“Darling.” My grandmother pulled me into her embrace. Her floral perfume tickled my nose.
“Hey, Grandma.” I kissed her cheek. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her until now.
“Sit, sit.” She waved at the sofa. “Do you need food? Corbin! Corbin! Ah, there you are. Please bring some food. Adam and Brian are wasting away.”
It was hard to believe this was the same woman who once castrated a man. There were rumors and whispers that she had done worse to many people. It was possible, I guessed, everyone had their dark side.
“Where’s Grandpa?” I sat down across from her.
“With our guest. What a lovely woman. Anyway, what do you need?” She pursed her lips.
“How did you know I needed something?” No use beating around the bush.
“You haven’t been by in six years. You barely take my calls. Now, what is it?” She lit a cigarette and took a long drag.
“Brian bought me a wife at the marriage auction. I don’t want her.” I cut my eyes at Bri, pleasedon’t have a meltdown.Not like he could control that.
“Brian, Margie and Betty are upstairs. Why don’t you see if they need any help.” Grandma smiled at him. She knew how he got, and he loved my cousins. They always kept him busy.
Corbin scuttled back into the room with a tray of sandwiches. Brian grabbed one and headed upstairs. I waved Corbin away, I had already eaten.
“You know I love you. Adam, you hold a special place in my heart.” She flicked her cigarette. “I would do anything for you, but this is out of my hands.”
“You and Grandpa own the auction. Fix this,” I pleaded.