Page 68 of Bought By Three Men
The cuckoo clock by the door rang four a.m. Seriously, what was wrong with people? I flung open the door before they could knock again.
“Help, we had nowhere else to go.” Judith had her arm around Brad’s waist.
Blood and mud were smeared all over Brad. I could barely tell it was him. As if on cue, the clouds opened up, and rain poured down.
I didn’t have time for this shit. I wasn’t some rescue clinic for the homeless. Judith gave me big pleading eyes. Nope, I pushed the door.
Brian grabbed the door and flung it all the way open. In one fell swoop, he picked up Brad. He carried him into the living room and set him on my sofa. Great, the blood was never gonna come out of the fabric.
Judith knelt in front of Brad, stroking his hair. “It’s gonna be okay.”
“What happened?” Brian pulled a blanket from the chest in the corner and tossed it on Brad.
“Ethan Moore stabbed me,” Brad groaned.
“Why would he do that?” I asked him, then turned to Brian. “Call Nurse Damar and tell him to come here.” I didn’t want a dead homeless person in my house.
“Why else? Ava. I went to Ton-tons to check out the competition for Judith. Ava was there. I tried to escape.” Brian coughed.
“He hunted him down and stabbed him.” Judith wiped away a tear. “Brad had to crawl to me. I had to take him somewhere.”
Taking him here seemed a little odd to me. Even though I couldn’t stand Ava, she was my fiancé. Her enemies were knocking on my door, asking for help. How did they know she wasn’t here?
“Risky coming here.” I sucked my teeth. If Ethan did stab him, he should have disposed of him.
“I didn’t want to bother you. Judith insisted.” Brad groaned.
I got up to get him some towels. He was a mess and destroying my sofa. I didn’t want blood to drip onto my rug.
Brian hadn’t kept up with the laundry. Probably because of how busy our week had been. I went to the laundry and grabbed a few dirty towels.
When I walked back in, Judith and Brad were whispering.
“Why did you say Ton-tons? You were at Peaks,” Judith whispered.
“Uh. Can we trust him? No, so we can’t tell him the truth,” Brad whispered back.
I cleared my throat and entered the room. Why would where the interaction take place matter? Judith took the towels and began to clean Brad. Her eyes glowed when she looked at him. She was still in love with him. Brad glared at her, the feeling wasn’t mutual. The second he noticed me looking at him, his face softened.
Brian entered the room. “Damar is on his way.”
“Thank you. Can you get pants and a shirt for me?” We hadn’t gotten dressed. “And yourself.”
“Oh, sorry, Miss Judith.” Brian covered his privates and left.
Nurse Damar was so quick to show up, I had just tossed my shirt on. Damar walked in without knocking. As soon as he saw Brad, he opened his bag and got to work. “What happened?”
“We were at The Underground when a man stabbed me.” Brian grabbed his side and pulled his knees up to his chest.
Damar disinfected his wound while Judith cleaned the mud off of him. Brian squashed around, getting drinks and cookies. Washing down a chocolate chip cooking with a rum and coke at four in the morning wasn’t my idea of breakfast, but it worked.
Ring. Ring.
There was no way someone was calling me in the middle of the night. I wanted my secluded life back.
Ring. Ring. Brian handed me my phone. “It’s Grandpa.”