Page 79 of Bought By Three Men
Ha. One second I was worried about him hurting her, the next, fucking her. He gave off mixed vibes when it came to her, and I wasn’t sure which one bothered me more.
“You know she isn’t a virgin?” Brad asked.
“Your little dick doesn’t count,” I chuckled.
Daryl pulled up and hopped out of the car. He panted as he ran over to the passenger side to open the door. Damn, he had to have sped to get here so fast. I tossed Brad in and climbed in after her.
“I don’t want to go with you,” Ava whined. She stomped out of the restaurant with Adam.
“Ava! It’s not too late. I love you!” Brad shouted.
It took one quick hit to shut him up. Blood poured from his lips. I clenched my fist. His tooth nicked my knuckle. Fucker.
Ava ran over to the car. “You can’t send me home with this asshole!”
Tristan grabbed her and whispered in her ear. She huffed and shook her head. Damn, she was beautiful. It was hard not to give in to her. I wanted to bestow upon her the world. She deserved everything.
“Move and die.” I shoved Brad into the backseat.
I took Ava’s hand and led her away from everyone.
“Please, I don’t want to go with Adam.” Ava’s lip quivered.
I ran the pad of my thumb across her lip. “Peach, trust me.”
“I do. I don’t trust him.” She pointed to Adam.
“He won’t hurt you.” I rubbed her arms.
“How do you not see he is an asshole? Adam or Brad are leaving those notes, maybe both. You are taking one monster and leaving me with another.” Ava stepped back.
“Adam isn’t a monster.” I clenched my teeth. She needed to trust me.
“How do you know?” She crossed her arms. “You just met him the other day, right? Or are you lying? You know him, don’t you? Don’t you? Tell me the truth.”
“Yes, okay. I know him. It’s not important.” I grabbed her arms. “Please, trust me. His asshole demeanor is because he has an issue with me, not you. He won’t hurt you.”
“I’ll go if you promise to tell me how you know him.” She kept her arms crossed.
“Fine, but first I need to take care of Brad,” I sighed.
Telling her how I knew Adam would dredge up some memories I would rather stay hidden. I close my eyes, now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. Ava had to trust me that Adam wasn’t a threat. He hated me, Blamed me for things I had no control over, but he wouldn’t hurt a woman.
“Don’t kill him.” Ava chewed her lip.
“What?” My head spun.
“For three years, he emotionally and physically abused me. I would like to repay the favor.” She averted her eyes.
“My little psycho.” I kissed the top of her head. “Done.”
She reluctantly walked away and left with Adam. I hopped in the back with Brad, who now donned a fresh black eye. I gave Tristan a quizzical look, who shrugged.
“Gentlemen, please listen to me. Ava isn’t who she says she is. She is a manipulator. Whatever she told you guys, it's a lie.” Brad shook as he pleaded with us.
“Oh really? So she lied about you branding her?” I grabbed him by his shirt collar.
“Yes. She did that to herself. I tried to leave her. She told me she would tell everyone that I did it. I was afraid she would beat me. Ava plays the victim.” Tears streamed down Brad’s face.