Page 83 of Bought By Three Men
“Dottie, we need you and your sewing kit.” Ethan leaned on the door frame.
“It’s in the top drawer.” She nodded toward her dresser. “But I can’t help. I have too much to do for tomorrow.”
“We need you, come on,” Ethan demanded.
“Ask Sandy or CeCe, even Frizzo may be able to help you.” Dottie blew more hair out of her face.
“I’m not asking. Let’s go.” Ethan turned and left.
Dottie let out a sigh but followed us. I wasn’t sure where Ethan was taking us, but I had a feeling it had to do with our prisoner. After Ethan carved Ava’s initials into him, we left him whimpering on the cell floor.
Ethan must have visited him this morning. I didn’t know what he needed Dottie for, but it was probably some sick form of torture.
Brad was lying on the floor of his cell. Blood poured from his side. I was pretty sure he was dead.
“What do you need her for?” It was clear he didn’t need to torture Brad any further.
“To sew him up. I may have gone a little too far.” Ethan ran his fingers through his hair.
“So,” Dottie and I said simultaneously.
“So? Ava’s gonna be mad. She wanted him to suffer the same way she did.” Ethan tossed his hands into the air.
“She wants you to do this to him for three years?” Dottie gasped.
Ethan nodded.
“Well, if that’s what she wants, thats what she gets.” I opened the cell door. “Ethan, go get cleaned up. Dottie and I got this.”
Ethan patted me on the back and left. I wasn’t the best with a needle, but I could hold him down while Dottie sewed him. If she had issues, I could take over. It wasn’t the first time Ellie the Elephant lost his eyes. CeCe wasn’t always around, and I had to do the repairs myself.
“I’m supposed to sew him up?” Dottie pursed her lips.
“I guess so. If it's too hard for you, I can.” I held out my hand for the needle and thread.
“No, I just don’t think he’s worth it.” Dottie knelt beside Brad and lifted his shirt.
Brad was covered in bruises. All of his cuts were superficial, except one. A long gash ran from his nipple to underneath his rib cage. Ethan either sliced him or tossed him into the metal bunk. Either way, I didn’t think a needle and thread would be enough.
“Dottie, help me,” Brad groaned. His eyes were open halfway, and his lips barely moved.
Ava wanted him kept alive, and I wasn’t sure that was possible at this point.
“Don’t touch him yet. I’ll get some gloves and alcohol.” I grabbed Dottie before she touched him.
I left Dottie inside the cell with Brad. There was no way he would be able to escape or cause her harm.
At the top of the stairs, Ava was coming down with a tray of food. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked.
“Bringing him food.” She held up the tray. There were two dishes with what looked like dog food and a kid's cup filled with water.
“Who made that?” I asked. She was either a terrible cook, or it was dog food.
She shrugged. “I scrapped the pots in the sink. I poured some gravy on it to cover the soap suds.”
“Haha. You are a little psycho. I gotta grab some stuff. I’ll be back.” I leaned to kiss her. Nope, that was a bad idea, I stopped myself and walked away.
Fuck, she was too easy to care for. It was easy to want to be with her. I was pulled toward her even though I didn’t want to be.