Page 87 of Bought By Three Men
Ethan (Day 6)
Adam barged into the house.There were so many people around that no one noticed he didn’t belong. He was charging down the hallway right toward me. I didn’t have time for his bullshit.
“I need to talk to Brad,” Adam huffed.
“That’s gonna be a little hard.” I grinned. “Why do you want to talk to him?”
“There are some loose ends I would like to discuss with him,” Adam replied.
“Like what? You had him come to the restaurant and put Ava in danger. Do you really hate me so much that you would harm her?” I growled.
He was still so angry at me over something that happened six years ago. Yeah, I attacked him in the hospital. Not my finest moment. I blamed him for not saving my sister. It wasn’t his fault. He tried to get to her. The fire was too intense. The fire department report stated that she had poured gasoline everywhere. There was no saving her.
“Oh, grow up. I just don’t like you or her, for that matter. Now, where is Brad?” He looked around as if Brad was going to walk up the hallway.
“In a cell, recovering, or dead. I’m not sure.” I shrugged.
“I didn’t know he was gonna attack Ava. I knew he was lying about his arm injury. But you stabbed him. I kinda thought he would attack you. And well, you don’t matter.” He adjusted his mask.
“Stab him? I didn’t touch him until last night.” I cut my eyes at him.
“Really? Huh. The other day he said you found him at the fight club and stabbed him. He really is a pathological liar.” Adam scratched his chin. A smirk formed in the corner of his lips. It was as if he admired Brad for being such an asshole.
“Why would he lie about that?” I asked.
I really didn’t understand Brad. He was obsessed with Ava, yet left her. It was as if he got a kick out of tormenting her but got bored with her. Ava had told me he took off to manage some other fighter in a different country. I didn’t understand why he bothered to come back.
“I think to get mine and Judith’s pity. He is a manipulative fuck. Almost had me convinced everything was Ava’s fault.” Adam looked up and down the hall. “Is Ava around?”
“No. Is that why you really came? You want to see her. To0 bad. You will see her tomorrow.” I checked my watch. My father was expecting me.
“Your jealousy is unnecessary. I don’t want her.” Adam glanced to his right as he spoke, his eyes never met mine.
“If that’s what you need to tell yourself. I gotta ask, and only because Ava thinks you have something to do with it. Did you leave her letters?” I asked. If he was lying, I expected him to look anywhere but at me. There was also a chance he would tell me the truth to piss me off. Although I doubted he did it. He may be warming up to her, but he didn’t want to marry her.
“Yes, I did, but not the threatening ones that she thinks I did.” Adam stared me right in the eyes. “Now that I have provided her with a phone, I don’t need to send her any more letters.”
“I believe you but if I find out you are lying, I will kill you,” I smirked.
“Yeah, go ahead and try. As fun as this has been, I’m leaving.” Adam turned and walked toward the exit.
I shook my head and went to my office. Adam was a strange, angry man. He spent so long cooped up that his social skills were lacking. His hate for me was justified, but his pretend hatred for Ava wasn’t.
The fact that he was injured trying to save my sister should be enough to like him. I shouldn’t blame him. Yet, I couldn’t help but be pissed at the man who failed to save her. Adam was the last person to see her alive, and part of me resented him for that as well.
Some day I would sit him down and find out everything that happened with him and Brad. I didn’t have the time today, and it wasn’t that big of a deal. I was just curious. Honestly, it was funny that Brad pretended to get stabbed by me to get sympathy from Adam.
My father was already in my office when I stepped inside. He had a stack of papers in front of him and a smile across his face. My stomach turned.
“Why do you look happy?” I sat across from him.
“I finally found a solution. Well, Benny did, but no matter.” He pointed to the stack of papers.
“Solution to what?” I glanced at the papers. There was a bunch of legal jargon strewed across it.
“The marriage clause. You don’t have to get married.” He clapped his hands together.
“Oh don’t worry about that. I don’t mind getting married now.” I envisioned Ava walking toward me in a white dress. Her pink hair tied up in braids. Our wedding was so close.