Page 117 of The Mastermind
Remi’s eyes met mine and his expression turned serious. “I’m sorry about what you heard in the alley. I didn’t mean any of those appalling things I said about you. I didn’t want Brian to know how important you are to me. He’d have hurt you to get to me. The photo with the unidentified woman . . . she’s the special agent who embedded the tracking device into your bracelet.”
This man had done so much for me.
“I misunderstood you. I’m sorry too,” I whispered.
“My life had been dark and had no meaning until you came along. You’re like the seed planted in me all those years ago. It grew slowly until, one day, it endured a massive growth spurt.” He offered a lopsided smile. “I guess I can be poetic. What I’m trying to say is, you allowed me to see things I never saw before; to feel things that transformed me.”
My heart blossomed into full-blown bliss.
“Remi, I was drawn to the darkness in you—around you. I love you as dark things should be loved—deeply and privately, in the chambers of my heart. You’re the only one with the key to those chambers.” My fingers traced the glistening gems on my bracelet. “When the dark and light are balanced, they create magic and beauty. That’s true in art and in life. We are perfect together.”
I yanked his face to mine and gave him a big, sloppy kiss that had him laughing.
“I have something to show you.” With excitement coursing through me, I grabbed the journal from the coffee table, clutching it against my heart with two hands and then opened it. “This is the logo for Epiphanii. What do you think?”
He wiggled his fingers, wanting to see the journal. I placed it into his palm, and he stared at the page. “I love what you did with the i’s.” He angled his head, turning the book this way and that way. “They look like candles. Or stick people.”
My heart skipped, twirled, and curtsied. “I love you saw that. Those were symbols I saw as well. I had been seeking the truth about the fire and myself, but I was also seeking the love that made me feel complete. The revelations illumed when I fell for you.” I pointed to the design. “The i’s represent my dad, Mochi, and you. Each of you gave me an epiphany. Each of you represents a change, an important phase in my life. I wouldn’t be who I am without you.”
Remi’s grin stretched into the biggest smile I’d ever seen. A simple line that made everything all right again.
“I have an epiphany,” he said, pulling me into his lap.
“What?” I asked, straddling him.
“That I should show you my video game. You have a role in it.”
“Really?” I knew he’d been working hard on the WaterFyre Rising video game, but so much had happened, I hadn’t had a chance to inquire.
“Really. One of her aliases is Agent Dot. I’m keeping the ‘sexy’ part just for me. She’s hot, intelligent, super talented, and knows how to play with ‘fyre.’” His fingers danced along my lower back.
Heat skated down my spine from his touch and the lust in his eyes. “Oh, I love the sound of that. Why don’t we play it now?”
“I have a better idea.” He nuzzled my neck and whispered, “We can play a different game in bed. Something gentle and sensual since you’ve had a rough day. After, we can discuss how you inspired WaterFyre.”
“We can start right now, right here . . .” I lowered my lips to his and nibbled. “Then we can move onto the next stage . . .”
“Sounds like an enticing plan. I’ll make sure this game lasts forever.”
I glanced at my watch.Audri should return from the spa with her friends any second now. A year ago, around this time, I placed an order for a special gift for Audri and picked it up an hour ago.
I had more time these days . . . let me rephrase that. These days, Imademore time for those I loved. Howardoversaw a lot of the responsibilities in New York and kept me updated daily. I also promoted some trusted employees to take over tasks. The delegations freed me up so I could be with Audri and work on WaterFyre Rising, which had become an innovative evolution on its own. Providence was now my permanent home, and New York was a place to visit.
Audri and I had been living together for a year in my hotel suite. The renovation of my childhood home would be complete in a couple of months. With Grayson’s expertise, I added a spacious studio to the house for Audri to work on her jewelry line. Her Dynamic Line Segment collection debuted successfully, and I was so proud of her for going after her dreams. She had refused my financial assistance and used her savings and the money her dad had left for her to invest in herself.
I’d hired Lorna and Melba’s cleaning service to prep the house. With a phone call to a friend in immigration, their family had been sworn in as U.S. citizens several months ago.
I’d heard nothing about the identity of the human remains found in my garage, which had just been completed two months ago. The workers found no more bones.
My dad had moved into a luxurious condominium for folks over fifty, which also used Lorna and Melba’s services after I referred them. Dad’s health was improving, and so was our relationship. Starke Financial regained profits and became part of my empire, Starke Global.
Hearing the key card click, I leaned against the couch, waiting for my love. Audri stepped inside, wearing a baby-blue tank top with khaki shorts. She dropped her bag on the dining table, walked over to me, and narrowed her eyes.