Page 51 of The Mastermind
“The trash is good. I don’t think I can wash away those stains.” The bag smelled of burned fibers and gasoline. I assumed he’d looked into the bag to get my clothing size.
Very attentive. Very resourceful.
“What happened to Lawrence and Teresa? Why did they attack me?” I was still confused about the incident. “I thought he was hurting her. I wanted to help, but it was all an act.”
Remi walked over and embraced me, an unexpected gesture that I welcomed.
“I fired Teresa for providing Lawrence with your cell number and other confidential information. The police were supposed to apprehend her for theft. I threatened Lawrence for sending you all those inappropriate texts. Your attack was probably their retaliation. I’m sorry they attacked you.”
“That’s not your fault. You were trying to help me.” I veered back to his confession. “You threatened Lawrence for me?”
“Why not? I told you. You’re family. No one touches what’s mine.” His eyes sharpened like blades as he brushed strands of hair from my forehead.
My heart gave a twist in my chest. “Thank you.”
“The police are looking for them. They’re not going to get away with this. At first, I thought you’d done something else to him or her that pushed them this far.”
“I have a recording of his harassment, but I don’t think he knew about that. I had it tucked inside my bra the day I went to HR. He stopped me on my way there and said stuff. I still have it. Should I give it to the police?”
“You can give it to me, and I’ll pass it to them when I head down to the precinct for an update. It’ll save you a trip.”
“Okay. I never thought I’d use the recording. It was just for protection.” I ambled into my bedroom, retrieved the recording, and gave it to Remi.
“I didn’t know you were into high-tech stuff.” Amusement glinted in his eyes as he tucked the recorder into his pant pocket. “Am I standing here with a secret spy without knowing it?”
“If I were you”—I placed a hand on his firm chest—“I’d be extremely careful around me. I’m part of an elusive andvery dangerousgroup called Super Spy Girls or SSG 003.” I made sure my face remained serious for emphasis.
A glimmer of laughter came into his eyes, and he pressed his lips into a tight line, stifling the laugh.
“I’m serious. Kiera, Michelle, and I created that to attend a Halloween party.”
“I believe you.” His mouth jerked into a grin. “I feel fortunate to have an ‘SSG 003’ member watching over me. You have any secret agenda going on, Agent Sexy Dot?”
My License to Kiss mission popped into my mind. I’d forgotten about it until now.
He can’t know. It’s a secret mission between my friends and me.
“Maybe.I can’t share it with outsiders, though,” I teased, not wanting him to ask any more questions. I cleared my throat. “I need something to drink.”
“Sit down, and I’ll get it. What do you want? Do you want something to eat too? I can place an order for delivery.”
“I have some leftovers in the fridge. We can eat that. I’d like some tea. Do you know how to make it?” I walked toward the kitchen with every intention of helping him.
Remi stopped me with a hand on each of my shoulders, then turned me around and ushered me back to the living room couch.
“Sit. You just got out of the hospital. I know how to make tea. Where do you have your teabags?”
“In a silver container by the electric tea kettle.” I pointed in that direction as I sank down on the couch and felt my body sigh. “The chamomile tea, please. By the way, thank you for not telling my mom or my uncle about the attack.”
“You’re welcome. Did you chat with Grayson?”
“We spoke a little this morning before he had to rush to a meeting, but we’ve been texting back and forth. I can’t believe he’s going to Europe and then Asia for the next two months.”
“He has clients all over the world who want his expertise. I’m sure he’s adding in a week here and there for vacation.” Remi turned back to me. “What would you like in your tea? Honey? Sugar? Milk?”
“One tablespoon of oat milk from the fridge would be great, thanks. You can just gauge it. No need to find a measuring spoon.”
“Got it. Now, we wait for the water to boil.” He returned to the living room and dropped beside me. “Grayson was very worried about you yesterday.”