Page 99 of The Mastermind
Pushing aside my emotions for a moment, I absorbed the horror of what I’d just heard. I knew there was tension within Remi’s family, but murder? That was unimaginable. But then again, my life had seemed perfect until recently. Had my uncle left me to die in the fire? That was something I still needed answers to.
Who was Remi? Last week, he had used his body to shield me from falling debris. Where was the man who made me feel safe?
It didn’t matter because our relationship couldn’t be salvaged. I couldn’t be with someone I didn’t trust. I couldn’t be with someone who thought of me as a sex object, one of many on his roster. My dream of happily ever after died today, along with my heart. His allure had hypnotized me. I was no different from Alice DuPont or any other woman who fell for him. Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so much if I hadn’t fallen deeply in love with him.
My body sagged as though my bodily systems stopped functioning. I used the brick wall for balance.
“I suggest you leave now because the more I stand near you, the more I remember that cold blade penetrating my abdomen.” Remi’s voice changed from calm to lethal. I didn’t need to see his face. I felt it in his words. “Be thankful I’m not pursuing charges now because I do have evidence.”
“What evidence?” Brian asked in a shaky voice.
“The murder-for-hire plot.”
Brian gasped. “How—”
“You’ve wasted enough of my time. Go elsewhere for help.”
The fear of Remi or Brian seeing me unshackled me from my frozen spot. I rushed away on wobbling legs as nausea rose when I entered the hotel suite. With trembling hands, I wrote a quick note and tossed it on the kitchen counter. I didn’t want him contacting me ever again.
I gathered my belongings, exited the hotel lobby, hopped into the cab parked on the curb, and returned to my apartment.
I couldn’t talk to or look at Remi right now. I didn’t want him to see how broken I was. There was no way I’d be able to carry on a conversation with him. When I got into my apartment, I dropped my bags and curled up on the couch, wallowing in my misery and cried.
When I got backinto the hotel suite, Audri was gone, and so were all her belongings. My suite felt cold and empty without her. I stared at the handwritten note.
Change of plans. I’m attending the fashion show by myself. Don’t call me.
I called and called, but she didn’t pick up my phone calls or reply to my text messages. I wanted to go over to her apartment, but was she even there? Where did she go? Did she remember something else about her uncle? Was Kiera or Michelle back from their travels? No, they wouldn’t be back for another few months.
I raked a frustrated hand through my hair. She was driving me crazy. It was unlike Audri to leave abruptly without informing me. Did she need to meet someone to prepare for her fashion show? I’d almost forgotten about it until her note. I wanted to be there to support her. Was she angry I hadn’t mentioned anything?
I’d give her the space she needed for the night and would try contacting her again in the morning when she should have enough time to sleep off the anger or whatever was bugging her. I could use the time to complete my plan regarding Brian, Mallory, and Derek.
However, when I called and texted Audri the next morning, there was no reply and concern twisted in my gut.
What the hell happened?
Where are you? Did something happen? Are you okay?
A minute went by with no response. I only had so much patience left in me.
If you don’t reply to me in the next five seconds, I’m coming over. We need to talk.
I still had the key to her place.
Nothing to talk about. Go hang out with her! Leave me alone!
She sent me an image of the photo of Agent Steinberg and me—the same photo Brian showed me yesterday.
Audri had been there. She must have followed me into the alley.Fuck.
I can explain everything.I hated sounding so cliché, but it was the truth.
No need.