Page 105 of The Daredevil
I smiled at my silliness in trying to see the positive side of things.
Royce wrapped his other hand around my waist, and we jumped. The wind slapped my face as we dropped with Royce strapped above me, allowing me to face the stunning landscape below. Nothing could compare to this freefalling sensation. My stomach churned and twisted with excitement ten times more prominent than a rollercoaster ride.
My heart rate skyrocketed, making me feel so alive—so invincible. I held up the feather for Royce to see and released it. The wind yanked it away. In a blink, it became a black dot in the distance—no longer near me, no longer affecting me.
The monster was gone becauseIlet it go. Feeling as light as a feather and as free as a bird, tears blurred my eyes at the realization of how far I’d come. I’d been crying way too much since I met Royce, but these weren’t sad tears. They were a form of release.
The adrenaline soared in me, clearing my mind of all the clutter I’d collected. Royce deployed the parachute as we descended, and love and gratitude for him overwhelmed my heart and soul.
Two weeksafter we went skydiving, Royce jumped back into work, and so did I. We saw each other less because of his schedule, where he had to fly to different states and countries to resolve business issues.
We texted and chatted over the phone whenever we could, but I sensed something was wrong. I couldn’t help the insecurity that nipped at me. I trusted him, but then a voice whispered in the back of my head,You also trusted Julian.
Shut up.
I focused on writing more blog posts for NewYou Beauty and other companies who had reached out to me after reading about the Icelandic beauty products. After that, I spent time on my secret project as well. When I missed Royce, I touched the stud earring in my ear. Now I wore it every day.
Still, I couldn’t shake off an uncomfortable feeling. What was about to happen?
* * *
Three weeks later, I got back from the gym and noticed a black sedan without a license plate parked across the street from my building. How could it get away without a license plate? Where were the cops when you needed them? The car had followed me to the gym and back. Fear twisted my stomach.
Who was it?
When I got into my apartment and locked my door, I walked toward the window but stayed against the wall, peeking through the curtains. The black sedan was gone.
Feeling relieved, I dropped to my chair and texted Royce.
Michelle:Hi. Are you busy?
Royce:Meeting starts in 5 mins. What’s up?
I didn’t want to worry him since he had a meeting to attend. Apparently, there had been new accidents at some of his resorts. He didn’t need the extra stress right now. Besides, as long as I stayed alert whenever I went out, I should be okay.
I missed him so much, and I feared something unsettling was brewing between us.
Michelle:Are we okay?
Royce:Of course? Why?
Michelle:Why is there a wall between us?
Royce:There is no wall. Do you trust me?
Royce:Been busy. Things will return to normal soon. Trust me.
He kept asking me to trust him. I did, but somehow, I still felt like I wasn’t in the loop on things. What was he hiding from me?
Michelle:When will you be home?
Royce:In a few weeks. Gotta go. Miss you.