Page 108 of The Daredevil
My phone buzzed with an unfamiliar sound. When I checked my lock screen, it showed Eat Your Monsters had new updates.
I logged in. “Sorry, Nibbles. It’s been hectic, and I haven’t fed you.”
A few minutes into the game, I survived a dangerous new terrain, and my bunny devoured multiple beasts, saving more villagers. Feeling happy, I waited to see how many motivation stars and coins I’d earned so I could purchase a new outfit.
Motivation Star:Be a proton, always positive!
Coins and Gems:Two hundred new coins. Three diamonds. Two rubies.
I gasped, not at the coins and gems, but at the motivational message.
It had to be Royce! No one knew about that line but him and me. Had he hacked into my phone?
I exited the game and researched the maker.
“No way.” It showed the creator as Paradigm Excursions Group. Itwashim.
Why hadn’t he mentioned it to me? He probably downloaded the app onto my phone when I wasn’t looking. I played it thinking it had been an update to something I already had. It didn’t even occur to me to look into it.
Why did he create this app? I had to know. I couldn’t wait for him to come back, but I didn’t want to call him in case he was in a conference.
Michelle:Viking, are you busy?
Royce:Angel, I always have time for you.
Michelle:Did you create the Eat Your Monsters app?
Royce:You figured it out. (smile emoji)
Michelle:Why didn’t you say something to me? Why did you make it?
Royce:Do you enjoy playing it?
Michelle:Yes. Answer my question.
Royce:It’s training your mind. Eat Your Monsters is literally killing the monster in you.
My heart raced at his proclamation. He’d created an app to help me overcome my eating disorder—to steer my brain away from fear by letting me play and making me forget my issues. I hadn’t needed my reminders to eat healthy or work out. I knew what to do and hadn’t felt guilty if I craved fatty foods or missed a workout.
Love burned in me for this man, and I wanted to hear him say those words to me.
Royce:Why not?
Dammit. Why couldn’t he say it? I knew he loved me, but I guess it was harder for him. The app and the skydiving were his way of showing his love. I should be satisfied with that.
Michelle:Thank you.
Royce:You’re welcome.
Michelle:See you soon.
Royce:(smile and heart emoji)
I should be overjoyed, but I couldn’t shake this awful feeling still nagging at me.
Perhaps I was overanalyzing things again.