Page 76 of The Daredevil
“How old were you?”
“That’s young for a master’s student, no?”
“I took extra courses during the summer and winter, so I graduated earlier than most.”
“You and your friends are a bunch of nerds.”
He smiled. “We’re just men with a passion and a vision. Those are powerful weapons.”
“I never thought I’d fall for a nerd. You’re no typical nerd, though.”
“And what does that mean?” He quirked an eyebrow and resumed typinginto his web browser.
“You’re more of a gladiator, a nerd, and a GQ model all rolled up into one fine specimen, Dr. Viktorsson.” I ran my hand up his thigh, trying to distract him.
He paused and considered me. “And you’re the clever angel who has tricks up her sleeve.”
He clicked on the website, and the Whitewater Family Resort images splashed onto the screen. My heart raced as memories flipped through my mind.
“Wait a second,” I breathed, gripping his arm. “Is that location in Corvallis, Oregon?”
“Yes. I went to Oregon State University and worked at that place until the owner got ill and wanted to sell it. I put all my savings into that business venture. Remi loaned me extra money, and I paid him back double.”
My hands shook. “I’ve been there before.”
“When I was eighteen, I went with my mom.” My stomach churned with nerves. How much should I share about what I’d experienced there? No one else knew about my suicide attempt that day.
“What happened there?” Royce searched my face.
Needing comfort, I took his hand into my lap. “I . . . I almost died that day. Let me rephrase that. Iwantedto die that day.”
Royce flinched, and a sharp V deepened between his eyebrows. Something flashed in his eyes, like a recollection.
“On my first day as owner, I was one of the guides on duty. A girl with red hair fell into the water, and I rescued her. It happened so fast. Once she regained consciousness and the EMT took her to the hospital, I went to check on my employees. That girl was you, right?”
My heart hammered as understanding settled in me. No wonder he felt familiar somehow.
Tears filled my eyes. “I dyed my hair red that summer because I needed a new look. The new look didn’t make me feel better.”
Royce drew me into his arms and held me. “We met all those years ago . . .”
“You saved my life.”
His eyes sparkled with a tease. “I got my first kiss back then.”
He tried to bring humor to the situation, and I appreciated his attempt.
“I was in and out of consciousness. When I came to, I remembered a silhouette helping me. I never got the chance to thank that person.” I lifted my face to his. “Thank you.”
He brushed his lips against mine and dabbed the tears from my eyes with a tissue from the box on the table.
“You’re welcome. I’d always wondered about the girl I saved.” He stroked a hand down my hair, and his gaze sharpened. “Don’t ever do anything like that again, okay? I can’t lose you.”
I couldn’t lose him either. This revelation—this fated connection—linked us.