Page 88 of The Daredevil
Wearingjeans and an ivory sweater under a light wool jacket, I entered the crowded Krazee Tavern, which Remi owned.
“There she is!” Audri waved from the table in the far corner and rose to her feet. As always, she looked chic and beautiful with her long black hair, classy makeup, and elegant jewelry. She threw her arms open.
I walked into her arms and squeezed. “God, I miss you guys!”
“Ditto!” Kiera jumped from her seat, offering me a hug too.
I glanced around. “Natalie should arrive soon. I want you to meet her. She’s like us.”
“As in gorgeous and crazy?” Kiera asked.
“And sarcastically amusing,” added Audri.
Sitting down, I offered them each a gift bag full of NewYou Beauty products.
“Oh, these look fantastic.” Audri peeked into her bag. “Thank you.”
“Thanks, babe. You know how much I love lathering myself with beauty products.”
“If anyone can set up a little shop from all the freebies she gets, it’s you.” I grinned at Kiera.
Kiera shrugged. “I can’t help it if the vendors love me.”
“Sorry, I’m late.” Natalie approached and shrugged off her black jacket, revealing a light pink sweater with an asymmetrical neckline that made her appear elegant and stylish, but not overdone.
“You’re fine,” I said. “Girls, meet Natalie Chapelle.”
“I love that sweater.” Kiera eyed Natalie’s outfit. “I don’t mean to sound snobby, but I’m a fashion photographer and used to seeing various designs. I’m curious. Who are you wearing?”
Natalie grinned. “Oh, it’s LaRue, a French label.”
“Ohhh . . . I’ve heard of them. They’re on top with Chanel and Dior.”
“Yes, they are, but the House of LaRue is on a smaller scale.”
“I’m Audri. Very nice to meet you.”
“I’m so happy to meet all of you.” Natalie draped the jacket over the chair and slid into her seat. “Thanks for inviting me. I don’t know many people here in town.”
“I hear you’re working for the city.” Audri grabbed a french fry and bit into it. “What brings you across the pond to work in a city like Providence when you could hang out in Paris? Providence isn’t as historical or fashionable as Paris.”
I hadn’t had fries in a while and grabbed one too. The waitress returned to the table, and Natalie ordered a Mai Tai.
“Just family stuff.” Natalie lifted her shoulder. “Sometimes you just want a change of scenery, you know?”
“Yeah, I hear you. That need for change took me to Iceland. It was well worth it.”
“I told Remi that you and Royce are dating. He was surprised.” Audri sipped her Blue Hawaiian cocktail.
Maybe Royce forgot to mention it to his friends about us. A sliver of disappointment pricked my skin. Why didn’t he tell his friends? Why was I even thinking about that? With the danger surrounding Royce and his business, our relationship should be the least of his concerns.
I scolded myself for the pettiness.
“It’s not something a guy talks about with a bunch of friends.” Kiera set her margarita down. “They don’t go into a gathering and say, ‘Hey, guess what? I’m dating!’”