Page 96 of The Daredevil
I sensed the love between them.
“Do you need any help?” I glanced at the kitchen island with containers filled with stuff.
“If you wouldn’t mind, the potatoes need peeling.” She turned to her nephew. “Royce, there are some boxes in the hallway. Could you please bring them out to my trunk? I’m donating some of your old clothes to the local shelter.”
“You should have told me you were cleaning. I would have come to help.”
“You’re busy, and I had time on my hands.”
“I’ll do some cleaning while I’m at it.” He strode down the hallway.
While I peeled the potatoes, Aunt Klara asked, “So, how long have you known Royce?”
“We’ve been friends for years, but started dating recently. I didn’t know how wonderful he was until now.”
Her green eyes gleamed, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Royce’s mom had similar eyes. “Love takes time to develop. It’s like cooking. There’s preparation, the simmer, the display, the taste, and how the food made you feel. It’s a special process, but well worth it. Don’t you think?”
I got the sense she was asking me an indirect question. Turning to her, I saw love and caution on her face. “Yes. Sometimes fate takes us on detours to prepare us for the most profound experience of our lives. We can only be open to love once we accept that we’re worthy of it. Like you said, it’s a process. I’m still learning, and so is he. We’re both learning together.” I placed the peeled potatoes into a bowl and smiled. “Between the two of us, I think he’s making excellent progress.”
She looked at me for a long moment as tears welled in her eyes. Offering me an embrace, she whispered, “You’re exactly what he needs. I’ve never seen him this cheerful and relaxed. Thank you.”
“He’s helping me too.”
“Royce is very intelligent and determined, but he’s got a stubborn streak too.” She stirred a pot that smelled delicious. “I wanted to meet his girlfriends, but he’s never brought any of them home. He has reservations about love, but I think you’re changing that.”
Soft and silky butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I was surprised he hadn’t brought home a date before me. Knowing I had shifted something in him made me believe in the power of love.
“He’s the scientific type, so he likes facts and things he can see as proof. But there’s a part of him that believes in something more.”
Aunt Klara’s lips curved into a sweet smile. “You sure know him. Whatever it is you’re doing to him, keep doing it.”
“He told me you took him in when he was young. That’s very kind of you.”
“He’s family, and I love him.” I finished peeling the rest of the potatoes and asked if she needed help with anything else.
“Thanks, I’m good. I prepared everything the night before, so there’s not much left to do now. Go check on him.”
“Just let me know if you need help.” I washed my hands, dried them, and headed to Royce.
I stood at the open doorway, watching Royce sit in a wooden chair, flipping through a comic book. Two other Thor comic books sat on top of his desk. I imagined a young Royce, lanky and ambitious, reading in his room and dreaming about big plans. Was he lonely back then? A twinge of sadness tugged at me.
I remembered growing up with just me and Mom, and the loneliness became unbearable, especially when no one understood the darkness in me. I’d desperately wanted someone to show me the way, but no one came. This was probably why many people lost faith in the higher power that was supposed to appear when asked. I’d like to believe that he or she was helping someone worse off than me. There was only one God and so many needy people. If I were him, I’d need a timeout too.
You’re strong, and you survived on your own. God knew you could create your own path.
My inner voice seemed to have gained some wisdom today. Perhaps it was the man standing before me, helping me understand myself better.
I stepped inside, and he flicked a gaze at me, grinned, and closed his comic book. He reached for my hand and dragged me onto his lap. I straddled him, winding my arms around his neck. “What are you reading?”
He jerked a chin at the Thor comic book. “A book about how to wield power to gain sexual favors from my woman.”
“There’s a price for sexual favors.”
“How about we exchange a massage for a massage?” He squeezed my ass and gestured to the bed. “We can defile my childhood bed right now.”
I laughed just as a cough sounded in the doorway. I flew off his lap, heat burning my cheeks as I stared at Aunt Klara.
She waved a hand, grinning. “Coffee is ready if you’re both interested, but I think you’re busy. Carry on. Coffee can wait.” She closed the door tightly.