Page 51 of Forever His Girl
He startled back out of his pensive trance. “Yeah, kid?”
“Who were you named for?” A simple question with a weight of importance reflected in the boy’s eyes.
“For Great-grandpa Baker.”
“Our father’s grandfather?”
Silence descended. Trey peeled the last strands of licorice apart, sorting them into two piles on the leather sofa. He clutched one stack, leaving the other beside Daniel.
And then his little brother was hugging him. So quick Daniel almost missed the chance to hug those bony shoulders back.
Trey stepped away, stubborn chin jutting just like their father. Like his older brother. “I still hate peanut butter.”
Daniel scooped up the pile of licorice Trey had left behind.Love you, too,bro.
* * *
Who knew red licorice had such a distinctive scent? Of course, after an hour alone in the car with Danny, Mary Elise feared she would soon keel over from sensory overload from the different facets of him bombarding her.
Daniel’s aftershave drifting with each gust of the vent.
Danny’s licorice disappearing strand by strand.
The captain’s military paraphernalia wafting an odd hydraulic fluid scent she’d come to realize permeated Air Force gear. Even a well-washed flight suit carried the air.
She lowered the window on the SUV, Daniel’s truck having been traded for Bronco’s vehicle on base after her doctor visit. After a quick trip to the BX, where Daniel bought the most bizarre assortment of supplies, they’d hit the road. Two dozen plastic buckets rattled around in the back with a bag of twenty-penny nails and heaven only knew what else.
Moss-draped oaks arched over the narrow road, the marshy coastline peeking through on her right out the open window. Reeds bowed a welcome in the breeze.
Mary Elise wriggled in the seat to get comfortable. At least her medicines would be kicking in soon, throwing her body chemistry back in sync, hopefully lightening her mood. This was worse than that day by the pool years ago. At least then Danny had been her friend. She vowed if he offered her boatloads of chocolate, she’d deck him.
Or hug him.
It was a close contest.
She adjusted the angle of the seat.
Daniel tore off another bite of licorice. “Why didn’t you let me know you’re in pain this week?”
“What did Kathleen Bennett tell you?”
“Nothing.” And he didn’t look too happy about it.
“But you asked her.”
“Of course I asked her. And she got her flight suit all in a twist over rules.”
Three cheers for patient confidentiality. “Danny, I’m fine, and feeling better by the minute thanks to Kathleen. By tomorrow I’ll be a hundred percent, and your chocolate will be safe from me.”