Page 16 of Sweet Possession
Asher did as he said he would and took me for a nice breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and fruit, followed by shopping. I thought we were just getting underwear, but no. As well as panties and bras, he filled a basket with shirts, sweats, dresses, skirts, shorts, and shoes. I argued with him several times but conceded when I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere. I’ve come to the realization that when Asher sets his mind to something, he does it no matter what you say.
“Did you have fun?” I glance over at him. His eyes are on the road as he drives us back to my apartment.
Sighing, I tell him what he wants to hear. “I did. It’s been a long time since someone did something like this for me, so thank you.”
He looks at me as he reaches for my hand and laces our fingers. Electricity shoots through my body at the contact, and I wonder if he can feel it to. “Get used to it, angel. I told you you’re mine, and I’m not going anywhere.”
I stare at him. What if he means what he’s saying? I don’t need a man—I’ve survived on my own this far—but it would be nice to have someone in my corner. Even if I think it’s weird how quickly this has all happened. If I let this continue, then I need to be honest with him. But I’m scared that it would change things, and as much as I’ve tried to fight this, I am getting used to his presence. Like it, even. And there’s the bonus of the money I can earn under his instruction.
“You might get sick of me in couple of weeks,” I rasp.
He chuckles, his eyes darting to me briefly before going back to the road. “I doubt that. I know you think my behavior is weird but know this: I have never been like this with anyone. I don’t know why I feel this way with you because, as you said, we barely know each other, but that will come. All I know is it feels right being around you, and I want to look after you. I can’t bear the thought of you dancing in that club, of men watching and leering at what belongs to me. You are more than that. I want you to achieve every hope and dream you have ever had. And I want to give you the means to do that. So please don’t fight me,us, anymore. It’s obvious to me that you haven’t had anyone look out for you in a long while, and you’re nervous to trust anyone, but let me be that person. I only have your best interests at heart, angel. I know all of this sounds crazy;Ithink it’s crazy, but why fight it? This could be something special, baby.”
I search his face for any hint of a lie but only find the honesty I saw earlier. He’s being serious. I blow out a breath and relax. Maybe this was fate, and Asher was meant to come into my life. Or maybe I’ll get hurt, and this will all be some twisted lesson.
Whatever it is, in this moment, I decide that I am going to heed his words and stop fighting it.
I just hope I don’t get hurt in the process.
I think I finally got through to her.
My angel has finally relaxed in her seat, and I don’t miss the smile curving her lips. It is only when I miss the turn to her apartment that she sits forward, her eyes darting around the small space of the car.
“You missed my turn,” she states like I am oblivious to the fact I did just that.
“I know. We’re going back to my place. I thought we could put your things away, then we can relax and play some more poker. You still have much to learn.” I don’t look at her as I say this, and my words aren’t a question. She has no choice in the matter. Remi is coming to my house whether she wants to or not. I liked having my angel in my space last night, more than I thought I would. Now I have this incessant need to have her in my house again. Maybe forever. I pause at that thought. I never thought I would feel like this again after Cali, but I do, and my feelings are more intense than they ever were towards my ex.
She sighs in exasperation. “Asher, please. I need to go home.”
I glance at her briefly. “Why? Do you have a boyfriend waiting for you or something?” The thought has me white knuckling the steering wheel and my jaw clenching so hard I’m surprised I don’t crack a tooth.
“We discussed this already. I don’t have a boyfriend. But I do have things I need to do.” Her voice is almost pleading, and for a minute, I almost give in. But then I remember how I feel when she’s around and press my foot down on the gas.
“I’ll take you home later. Think of the money you can earn today just by sitting in my house on a laptop.” I dangle the bait. It’s manipulative of me, but I know she needs the money.
I hear her groan and know I’ve got her. I bite back a smile. I’m getting good at winning these rounds, at playing these games. I shouldn’t like it so much, but I do. I shouldn’t manipulate her, but it’s the only way to get her to agree to my demands. I can’t seem to stop when it comes to my angel.
“Okay. But I’m not staying the night,” she concedes.
This time, I do smile. She will be staying. She just doesn’t know it yet.
* * *
My manipulations of Remi continue over the course of the next few nights. I manage to keep her at my house, staying in the guest room, and with only a small number of arguments from her. I know it’s only down to the amount of money she has been winning online, but it has kept her here so I’m not complaining. I’ve gotten to know her better in the last couple days, and I know what makes her tick. I’ve learned more about her dreams of becoming an artist and how she wants her own studio one day. And last night she opened up about her family more. How her dad died of cancer. How her mother turned to drink and drugs and a line of shady, perverted boyfriends. How she had to fight some of them off when they tried to touch her. I saw red hearing that and had to refrain from going out and finding the assholes. I know if I had, it wouldn’t have ended well for them. Remi needs me though, even if she says differently, and I can’t afford to be locked up. I also don’t want to be another person in her life that leaves. She has this notion about people leaving, and I won’t be one of them.
I’m having too much fun. Feeling too many feelings around her. We’ve laughed, made out like teenagers, and I have never felt happier. I hope she feels the same. I get the feeling she does, not that my stubborn angel would admit it.
Glancing over at her, I find her deep in concentration on the laptop, her brows furrowed, eyes narrowed. She looks adorable as she focuses on the game she’s playing. She’s winning, and I haven’t even helped her with this one. Pride courses through me. I know I taught her this for selfish reasons, but it’s paid off.
“Oh my God. I won!” She looks at me, her eyes dancing with joy. “I won, Asher!” She throws her arms around me in a crushing hug. I wrap my own around her, pulling her into my chest. She pulls back to search my face. There is nothing in this world that could stop me from kissing her right now, so that’s what I do.
I crush my mouth to hers, smirking when she gasps. I growl, wanting,needingher closer. Grabbing her hips, I do just that and pull her onto my lap. I groan when I feel her heat against my dick and thank everything above that I took the initiative to take her shopping and grab those couple of skirts. It’s what she’s wearing now, so all that is between us is her panties and my shorts.
Reaching down, I run my fingers up her leg. Her breath hitches but she doesn’t stop me. I take that as my cue to continue. I dance my fingers up the inside of her thigh and to her panty line. I feel her tense before she relaxes, but I break the kiss anyway. I don’t want to scare her, push her into something she doesn’t want.