Page 42 of Sweet Possession
Asher steps into me, angrier than I have ever seen him. “He isn’tyouranything. You will go to the admin office and ask to be transferred out of his class. I don’t want you anywhere near him.” His voice leaves no room for argument. But I do anyway.
Shaking my head, I say, “I can’t do that, Asher, and you know it.” He scowls down at me. Reaching out, I place a hand on his arm to, hopefully, calm him down. I sigh. “Look, if it helps, I will do everything to not be kept behind. I can’t promise he won’t do it anyway, but he did have a reason today. I wasn’t concentrating because I was thinking aboutyou.”
His eyes soften, he opens his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by a feminine voice. “Is everything okay here?”
Our heads snap to the sound, my face turning up in horror when I see principal Abernathy standing at the end of the hall. My heart rate spikes at her narrowed gaze. Her eyes fixed on… I follow her line of sight to... my hand on Asher’s arm.
I pull away like I’ve been burned. Panic sets in, and I think I’m about to faint. If it wasn’t for Asher being the picture of calm, I think I would have.
“Principal Abernathy. Everything is fine. We were just discussing one of Miss Hale’s assignments,” he says calmly. His tone is sure, making even me question if it’s the truth.
Her eyes narrow further before her face evens out. “Very well.” She glances at her watch before her eyes come back to us. “I’m sure your other students are waiting for you, Mr. Grant.” She looks at the door to his classroom pointedly.
“Of course.” He flashes her his panty-dropping smile. She blushes before spinning on her heel and walking away. I wait until the sound of her heels fades before going into full-blown panic mode.
“Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I think I’m going to pass out.” My legs buckle underneath me, but Asher catches me before I fall. “Do you think she suspects anything? The way she was looking at us… she definitely knows something.”
Asher cups my shoulders and leans down into me. “Calm down, angel. She doesn’t know anything.”
“But what if she does?” I whisper.
“Angel, stop. We’re good. I promise.” His voice calms me some. And then he smirks. “And anyway, I don’t give a fuck what she thinks she knows. If it weren’t for your scholarship, I would take you into her office right now and show her exactly how much you’re mine. I would fuck you over her desk and make you scream my name, just so she knows who the fuck you belong to.”
My breath hitches as the visual takes root in my mind, and moisture gathers in my panties. Jesus. Does it make me sick if I want that? I shake the thought away. No, I don’t want that. My emotions are all over the place right now. Heightened because of what just happened with both Brody and principal Abernathy.
“Come on. Let’s get to class,” Asher says, dragging me to the room.
* * *
Class goes quickly. I’m still freaked out about our encounters with both Brody and Principal Abernathy and don’t concentrate one bit the whole hour. The bell sounds, signaling the end of the session and the start of lunch. I’m glad for it. I need to go sit with Jessa at our table and act like everything is normal.
Pushing out of my chair, I grab my books and shove them in my bag. I’m about to stride out when Asher speaks. “Miss Hale, a word.” It’s not a question, more like a demand, and one I should adhere to if his facial expression is anything to go by. The rest of the students file out and then it’s just the two of us. He saunters to the door, closes it, and locks it before turning back to face me. I swallow.
“What are you doing, Asher? It’s bad enough that Brody knows about us, and the principal may or may not suspect something. Now you have to go and lock me in a classroom with you?” I fling my arms up and start pacing only to stop when he grabs and spins me.
He pulls me into his arms, his mouth dropping to my ear and making me shiver. “Angel, you better stop this before I spank your ass. I told you before everything will be fine. Trust me.” He enunciates the last two words.
“I want to, I really do, but how will it be okay? I saw the look on Mrs. Abernathy’s face, she didn’t believe us,” I cry, anxiety building inside me. I feel like I can’t breathe. My chest heaves as I try to suck in air. Asher frowns.
“Baby, breathe. Just calm down.” He lifts me into his arms, striding towards his chair and sitting down with me in his lap. Stroking my hair, he whispers reassuring words into my ear. It helps but I still can’t manage to relax. He notices. Of course, he does.
Lifting me, he gently places me on the floor between his legs, under his desk. I’m so caught up in my worry, I don’t question it when he unbuckles his belt, undoes his button, and pulls down his zipper. It’s only when his huge cock springs free that I’m pulled out of my own thoughts. I glance up at him, my brow arched in silent question as I lick my lips. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the size of him or how magnificent his dick is. Everything else disappears, and all there is him and me.
He glances at his cock pointedly. “Suck.”
“W-what?” I stutter.
He strokes my cheek with his thumb as he leans down into me. “It will pacify you. Now suck me until you calm your ass down.”
My eyes widen. “Are you serious?”
He leans back into his chair. “Deadly. Now put him in your mouth. When I feel that you have relaxed, you can stop.”
My mouth drops open in shock, but I can’t deny I’ve already forgotten all that’s happened today. Taking a breath, I wrap my mouth around him and suck like I would suck a lollipop. I don’t know how long I use his cock as a pacifier, but I’m so relaxed, I roll my head on his thigh and let out a contented sigh.
“There’s my good girl. My angel.” He praises. I look up at him and although there is a hint of lust in his eyes, the rest is all concern. Asher making me do this isn’t for sexual pleasure, its him looking after me. He’s trying to talk me down off the ledge I was just on. It worked. I don’t care that we’re in school. Don’t care that Brody knows and could expose us. Don’t care that principal Abernathy caught us in an awkward position. All I care about is the man in front of me. The man that anticipates what I need and when I need it.