Page 65 of Sweet Possession
I exhale a long breath, happy that Brody has finally seen sense. “I think you coming to her rescue makes everything you did alright. I can never repay you for what you did today.”
“Thank you, Brody,” a soft voice whispers.
I glance down to my angel, but her eyes are on my former best friend. He smiles, and for once, it’s genuine. “Are you okay?”
She nods snuggling in closer to me. “I will be.”
I press kisses to my strong girl’s hair. Yes, she will be. Although today was traumatic and horrific, Remi will get through it.
I’ll make sure of it.
* * *
We spend the next couple of hours talking to the police. And after my angel got cleaned up by the paramedics—she had a bruised and bloodied lip and a swollen wrist—she gave a statement, even though I didn’t think she was up to it and just wanted to take her home, proving once again how strong she is.
Louis and Logan were both arrested and taken away in handcuffs, one to the hospital, the other to the precinct. I had never seen such a beautiful sight—well, apart from Remi. I was questioned about Louis’ injuries, but after Brody and my angel gave statements, it was determined it was done in self-defense. The fucker got less than he deserved if you ask me. I wouldn’t have stopped until he was dead, had it not been for Remi.
“Here is my card if you remember anything else. Although you have had medical attention, I suggest you get checked out at the hospital, Miss Hale, just to be sure. You may need an X-ray on that wrist,” Detective Stapleton says with suspicious eyes. From the looks he keeps giving to me, I’m sure he has guessed that the nature of our relationship is more than student and teacher. Not that we have confirmed it, but he is a detective, after all.
“I think I just need a long bath, some Tylenol, and a good night’s sleep,” Remi responds, looking and sounding a bit better than she did when I found her.
“Can I give you a lift home?” Stapleton asks.
My angel shakes her head, gaze flicking to me briefly. “Thank you for the offer, but I have my car in the lot.”
His eyes narrow. “I don’t think you should be driving Miss Hale—” he protests, but I cut him off.
“I’ve got it Detective,” I grit out, over his shit. I get it. He’s concerned about her, as he should be, but he is taking it a little far. Remi is mine to worry about.
“I’m sure you do, Mr. Grant,” he mutters, then sighs. Jerking his head to the card my girl holds, he repeats the words he said a couple minutes ago. “Alright then. Give me a call if you have any concerns.” And with that, he steps out of the art room, leaving me with Brody, Principal Abernathy and my angel.
Brody runs a palm down his face, his gaze flitting from me to Remi to the principal. As if sensing what is about to come, he says, “I’m going to go. I’m glad you are okay, Remi.”
“Thank you for what you did.” She lets out a shuddering breath, burrowing into me closer. From the way Abernathy watches our closeness there is no doubt in my mind that she knows. I don’t really care about me; it’s Remi I’m worried about. Brody nods and exits the room.
As soon as the door closes, the principal speaks. “I don’t really want to do this now,” she pauses as if debating her words, “after what you have just been through, Miss Hale, but I can’t help but notice the closeness between you and Mr. Grant and how comfortable you seem to be. It’s obvious you two have a relationship that goes way past just a student/teacher one, and as your principal, it’s not something I can ignore. Considering what just happened, I will leave it for the next couple of days, but next week on Monday morning I want to see you both in my office,” she finishes. I stare at her. I knew it was coming, but damn did she get straight to the point.
I glare at her as Remi sniffles into my chest. I get she has a duty to make sure her students are safe and things like this don’t happen, but could she not have waited? Clutching Remi’s hand, I pin her with a look of contempt. “You can see she has been through something traumatic, could you not have at least waited until Monday to have this conversation, or even spoken with me privately? Have you no empathy?” I am barely holding on to the anger in my voice, and she knows it if her wide eyes are anything to go by.
Her gaze darts to the girl in my arms. “Of course. Sorry, Miss Hale. I hope you feel better,” she blurts as she shifts on her feet.
Feel better? Is this woman for real? Remi isn’t sick, she was attacked and nearly raped by another student and his father, who happens to be a member of the board. Pinning the silly woman with one more look, I lift Remi in my arms and carry her out to my car.
Depositing her gently in the seat, I buckle her belt, press a kiss to her head, and close the door. Rounding the car, I slide in the driver’s side and take her hand in mine. “Angel?”
She looks up at me with teary eyes. “Mmm?”
“I’m taking you to the hospital to get you checked out. You and our baby.” I rub my thumb in soothing circles on the soft skin of her hand.
She sighs and nods. “Okay.”
My chest tightens at her small voice and the worried look on her face. I wish I could erase what just happened to her, take away her pain. “Did—” I shudder before composing myself, but Remi speaks, cutting off what I was going to say.
She shakes her head. “He exposed me and touched me but there was no penetration. Brody got to me just in time.”
I squeeze my eyes closed. My priority is making sure that she is okay but the thought of them touching her… I see red again.
Taking a calming breath, I open my eyes and look at my angel. She really is everything to me. She and our baby. Shame consumes me when I think about not being there to protect them both. I should have been there. Should have taken Louis Carrington’s threats seriously.