Page 36 of Sweet Addiction
I try to fight him. There is no way we can do this here. Anyone could catch us. “No Knox. We can’t,” I argue even as wetness seeps from my pussy.
“We can and we will.” His tone leaves no room for argument. He moves away from me, allowing me to straighten. Just when I think he has come to his senses, the door locks with a resounding click. Spinning back to face me, I swallow at the look of desire staring back at me. Fuck. This is really happening.
Closing the distance between us, he pushes me back down and flips my skirt over my ass. This time I don’t fight. I succumb to him as he pulls my panties to the side and thrusts two fingers inside me. My back arches at the intrusion but my stomach tightens with excitement. “Look at you. My perfect little dove. Always so wet and ready for me.” I push back against his hand, wanting more,needingmore. I hear fabric hit the floor and I just know it’s his shorts. Glancing over my shoulder, I find I am right when his rock-hard cock bounces free. My pussy clenches with need and he chuckles. “Jesus baby, your cunt is strangling me. You are so greedy for my cock, aren’t you? You can’t wait for me to push inside you. To claim you,” he taunts, thrusting harder, faster. I moan at his dirty words. I don’t need to answer. He knows it’s what I want.
Pulling out, I mewl at the loss of contact only to cry out when he shoves inside of me. His palm slams over my mouth as his hot breath hits my ear. “Quiet. Your sounds are for my ears only.” He pounds into me, his piercing hitting the spot that makes my eyes roll shut. I moan, pushing back as I meet him thrust for thrust. “That’s it baby, fuck me back. Show me who owns this cock.” He shifts slightly, hitting me from a different angle, making me whimper. “Because you do Dove. You own it. You own me. And you belong to me. Every perfect inch of you,” he says with conviction as he picks up speed. My eyes roll shut, stomach tightening as an orgasm hits me out of nowhere. I push up on my toes as the power of it sets my whole body on fire. Scorching me from the inside out. I convulse around his dick, the climax so powerful, I nearly black out. “That’s it baby, milk my cock. Take my seed. I am going to come so far inside you; you will taste me every time you swallow.” I slump against the desk, sated and spent as he uses my body to find his own release. Dropping his hand from my mouth, he grips both my hips, fucking me so hard, the desk slides with each thrust. I hold the edges trying to find purchase. And then he stills, groaning as his cock jerks and warmth fills me.
His head drops to my back, his chest heaving against my spine. “Fuccckkkk, so good. It’s always so good with us.” Pressing a kiss to my shoulders, he moves off me.
I push up, grabbing a tissue when I feel his cum drip down my thighs. Wiping it up, I right my panties and skirt. “Yes. It is,” I agree.
He grins, dropping a kiss to my lips as he tucks his cock back into his shorts. The warning bell sounds, signaling the end of lunch. He sighs. “You better get to class.”
I move past him to the door. Unlocking it, I pull it open, only to stop on the threshold and glance at him. “By the way, Talan is my date for winter formal.” With that, I rush out, slamming the door closed behind me, but not before I hear him growl.
It’s the night of the fucking Winter Formal.
My version of hell.
Lucky me not only gets to chaperone the dance but I get to do it with Scarlett. The only good thing to come out of this bullshit is the fact that I will be able to keep my eyes on my girl and her handsydate.
Said date is about to get punched in the face if he doesn’t keep his hands to himself. It is taking all my patience to not smash his stupid fucking face in as I stand here, watching Scarlett take picture after picture of Madison and Talan in her backyard. While she gushes like a stage mom, I stand here positively fuming. I feel like the hulk. Any minute now, I am going to turn into that big green bastard and destroy the asshole currently smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“Smile baby, you look beautiful,” Scarlett coos. She is right. Madison looks absolutely stunning in her champagne-colored, sparkly, knee-length dress. It’s a little short for my liking but it’s the least of my worries right now. “Don’t they make a gorgeous couple?” Scarlett enthuses, glancing at me.
I flick a bored look at the pair. From the outside, I look cool, calm and nonchalant. On the inside I am about to explode. My dove should be on my arm, while we have our pictures taken. Not his. “Sure,” I grumble noncommittally. Scarlett shakes her head with displeasure before looking back at the couple.
My gaze moves to Madison, finding her eyes already on me. She nibbles her bottom lip, anxiety clear in her green orbs. I know she is waiting for me to start shit with Talan again. I won’t… At least not right now. “I think that’s enough photos Mom. The dance will be starting soon; we need to leave.”
“Just a couple more. This is the last winter formal of your high school career. I need to make sure I capture it.” Scarlett waves her off.
Talan chuckles, pulling Madison closer into his chest as he drops a kiss on her forehead. My eyes narrow in on him. I want to pull him away from her. “She’s right babe. Let your mom have her moment.”
Pushing off the wall, I straighten about to do just that but am stopped when Madison gives a small imperceptible shake of her head. Clenching my jaw, I stay rooted to the spot, my mind at war. On one shoulder I have the devil. He begs me to go to her. To claim what is mine. On the other I have the angel telling me not to ruin this for her. To let her just be for one night. Exhaling a large breath, I decide for once in my life to do the right thing and listen to the angel. My dove should be able to enjoy this moment even if it is torture for me. I don’t want to be another person in her life that tells her what to do. Someone she can’t be herself with. That’s Scarlett’s area. And I refuse to be like her mother.
“Scarlett, we need to be at the hotel in,” I glance at my watch. “Fifteen minutes which means we are going to be late. Can you wrap this up already?”
She sighs in exasperation. Spinning to face me, she plants a hand on her hip. “Alright, alright. I’ve finished; let’s go.”
* * *
If I thought the photoshoot was torture, it’s got nothing on what I am watching now. Madison and Talan, slow dancing to some Ed Sheeran song about giving love. Not only do I want to erase the lyrics from my ears, banish it to a place it will never be heard again, I also want to bleach my eyes, just so I don’t have to watch the scene in front of me. What the fuck is Dove playing at? And why do I get the feeling this is payback for the pictures published in some shitty gossip rags a couple days ago of Scarlett and me out to dinner. Madison knows it’s all for show so why is she punishing me like this? I hate the fake fiancé shit as much as she does. But it is what it is and unfortunately, I agreed to it before I had even met her. I scrub a frustrated palm down my face, hating life right now.
“Hey,” Scarlett chirps, sidling up beside me. A big smile curves her lips. I know why she is so happy. A group of students has just been fangirling and fawning over her. I’ve learned over these past few months, that Scarlett’s whole existence and worth are measured by how much attention she gets. If she isn’t receiving any she goes into an almost depressive state. It’s sad really. To live your life in such a way that you can’t function without people idolizing or flattering you. “They really do make a lovely couple, don’t they?” she muses. I follow her gaze to where Madison is on the dance floor.
Rage explodes inside me. If I didn’t know any better, I would say Scarlett is trying to goad me. But that can’t be right. She is too self-involved to see past anything but herself. I also know that if she had any inkling about Madison and me, she wouldn’t be this calm. “If you say so. Personally, I think he is an idiot and Madison can do better.”
She chuckles. “You really are taking this step-daddy roll to seriously Knox. They are just kids having fun. She could do worse than someone like Talan Conetti. His family is very prominent in the real estate sector. It would be a good match. The actress and the heir.”
“Madison isn’t an actress,” I snap.
Scarlett ignores the bite of my voice and trails a finger up my bicep. I shrug her off. Her nostrils flare as annoyance flickers in her eyes. “Maybe not yet, but she will be. Even if she sticks to reality television, you are still acting to a certain extent.”
Turning, I stare down at her. This selfish woman. Instead of supporting her daughter in what she really wants to do, she forces her into the mold she made for her. Deep down, Scarlett knows Madison doesn’t want anything to do with showbusiness; she just doesn’t care. I’ve had enough of her steamrolling her. “Have you ever thought that maybe Madison doesn’t want to go into the entertainment industry? That maybe just maybe she would like to do,” I tap my finger on my lip as if in thought. “Oh, I know. Photography. You’ve seen her camera. Seen the pictures she takes. I know you are self-involved Scarlett, but you can’t be that ignorant of the way her face lights up, or the happiness she exudes when she is behind her lens.”