Page 50 of Sweet Addiction
“What the fuck is this?” That screeching voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Scowling, I straighten in my chair. Annoyance slithers through me. Doesn’t she know she just interrupted me eating my dessert?
“Mom. Oh my god,” Madison cries, scrambling off the table and straightening her dress.
“I fucking knew it. I knew something was going on. I heard you,” she points a finger at me, disgust, and loathing in her eyes. “When I was on a video call with her. You called her dove. I figured everything out.Hebought you the necklace, didn’t he?” she grits, now looking at my girl.
“Mom, please. Let me explain,” Madison chokes out, stepping toward her.
Scarlett shakes her head making my dove pause. “Don’t. What is there to explain? I just caught you with my fiancé. The man I love.”
I bark out a laugh at her delusions. Scarlett’s gaze snaps to me. “I am not your fiancé. And you don’t love me, so don’t even try and pull that shit. We have a contractual relationship, nothing more. We haven’t even slept together.”
She glowers at me. I stiffen as something sinister flashes in her eyes and a smug grin curves her lips. I don’t like that look. “I’m sure that’s what you toldmydaughter, to get her into bed Knox. But we both know it’s a lie. We’ve been fucking since the beginning,” she says triumphantly. My mouth gapes at her words. I stare at her. Really look at her. How did I not see how crazy she really is?
“No,” Madison whispers, bringing my attention to her. I reach out a hand, wanting to wrap her up in my arms, but she steps away.
A growl bursts from my lips. “Don’t listen to her Dove. You know it’s not true. She is trying to turn you against me.”
“Mom?” my dove chokes, her lips trembling.
“He is lying. I’m your mother; I have never lied to you before so why would I make it up?” The smugness in her voice makes me want to wrap my hands around her throat and choke her right now, but that won’t do me any good. I am losing control of this situation and need to take it back before it escalates further.
Closing the distance between Madison and me, I grip her arms, turning her to face me. My eyes bore into her glistening green ones as I implore her. “Dove. Listen to me. I have never touched her. Well, apart from what you have seen in the tabloids. I am not lying to you. I never have. Never will. I love you. Only you. If you believe anything, believe that.”
Hearing a gasp, my gaze snaps to Scarlett. “Get your hands off her. You don’t love her. You told me that you loved me. That we were going to be together for real. We were going to be a family.” Her face turns bright red, eyes frantic as she looks between us. “I-I’m pregnant,” she stutters out.
My head draws back but I don’t have time to take in the information that was just thrown at me. Madison lets out what can only be described as a choked sob. I catch her in my arms as her legs buckle, pulling her in close before my gaze moves back to the bitch in front of me. Yeah, she just caught me with her daughter—that would be a shock to anyone. Doesn’t mean I am going to stand here and take her bullshit and lies.
“If you are indeed pregnant, then it isn’t mine,” I chuckle, the sound mocking, cold. “Well, unless it was a miracle conception. Last I was aware you had to actually stick your dick in and come inside someone to get them pregnant. Nothing like that has happened between us. Stop this madness Scarlett; you are upsetting my girl,” I grind out.
Scarlett moves toward us, a snake ready to strike. “Your girl?” she mocks. “She is not your anything. I’m your fiancée and the future mother of your baby. It’s you that’s upsetting her,” she hisses, grabbing at Madison but I don’t let her take her from me.
“Stop this. Both of you,” Madison snaps, pulling out of my grip. She wipes her eyes, a look of determination flashing in them. Her gaze bounces between her viper of a mother and me. She shakes her head, her voice strong as she says, “I’m sorry you had to find out like this Mom, I really am. I also can’t help but be a little suspicious about your claims. If you have had sex, then tell me something you would only know if you have been intimate with him.” My eyes shift to Scarlett, a smug grin curving my lips that she is about to be caught out.
Scarlett’s hands land on her hips, her lips pursing. I release a sigh only for it to get lodged in my throat when she speaks. “His dick is pierced.”
My shocked eyes snap to Madison. “Do—”
She cuts me off. “I’m going to be sick.” Her hand clamps over her mouth, the pain in her eyes nearly crippling me. I hate seeing her so upset.
“How the fuck do you know that?” I roar, focusing my attention on the woman who is ruining my life right now.
Scarlett smirks. “Because we fucked. A lot.”
I have never physically hurt a woman, never would. But right now, I’m pretty close to smacking the smug smile off this bitch’s face. She is lying. I don’t know how she is aware of my piercing but it’s not because she has been up close and personal with my cock. It doesn’t look good though and if I didn’t know any better, I would be convinced that what she is saying is true. It’s not. I just need to convince my dove of that. “You’re a fucking liar. Tell her the truth. Why are you doing this? You are destroying her because you are jealous, angry. Tell her the fucking truth,” I repeat, the anger in my voice evident.
“I just did. Now get out of my house while I consolemydaughter.” Scarlett points her finger toward the front door, but I don’t move. I won’t. Not until I know Madison is okay.
“Baby,” I start, willing her eyes to mine. “Please look at me. She is lying. I promise you with everything inside me and all that I am, she is doing this to hurt you. There is no truth in what she says. She is an actress and right now her performance is Oscar worthy. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a lie. I don’t know how she knows about my piercing Dove. She must have spied on me in the shower or talked to an old hookup. I have not had sex with your mom.” I enunciate the last words hoping she hears the truth in my voice. “And if she is pregnant, which I highly doubt she is, then it is someone else’s kid. It’s nothing to do with me. Please believe me. I would never hurt you or betray you in this way. I love you Dove.”
“Stop saying that. You do not love her,” Scarlett screams like the crazy person she is.
I step forward, getting in her face. “No, I won’t. It’s the truth, unlike the shit you are spewing. I love your daughter,” I say again. I know it will only antagonize her further, but I don’t give a fuck right now. Reaching out for a bewildered Madison, I grip her arm, pulling her away from her mother. “Come on baby. Let’s get you out of here. We can go to my house or to a hotel. Wherever you want to go, until this calms down.”
That does it. Scarlett flies at me, her hands balling into fists as she beats on my chest. “You are not taking her anywhere. I will call the police. Tell them you preyed on an underage girl.”
I laugh but it’s humorless. “She is eighteen Scarlett. Was legal before I even met her.”
Her face screws up and I think she is going to quit this bullshit but then she spews more venom. “I will ruin you. You will have nothing by the time I’m finished. What do you think the press will say when they hear that not only did you get me pregnant, but you have been cheating on me with my own daughter? You will lose everything,” she cackles manically and I’ve never seen her look so ugly.