Page 54 of Sweet Addiction
“Arggghhhh,” Scarlett screams, making my head whip to hers.
Clarissa is up and out of her chair, comforting her before I can blink. “Scarlett, calm down. It’s not good for the baby.”
She glances up at her with watery eyes, her lips trembling. “It’s not fair. He was supposed to be mine,” she cries, breaking down and I almost feel sorry for her.
Clarissa pins me with accusing eyes but I ignore it. No one will make me feel guilty for falling in love. “I know. I know it hurts honey, but everything will be okay,” she comforts her like she is a child. “I need the truth though Scarlett.” Clarissa pauses, chewing her bottom lip. I know what is coming. “Is there a baby? Is Knox telling the truth?”
“Yes,” Scarlett sniffs, her eyes darting to me.
I stiffen as does Clarissa. “And is it Knox’s?”
Glistening eyes come to me. She swallows before a shuddered breath leaves her. “No,” she admits, and I nearly fall off my chair with the truth. Not that I didn’t know it already but it’s nice for her to finally admit it.
“Okay,” Clarissa says slowly, sucking in a breath. “Who is the father, Scarlett?”
Scarlett’s eyes come to me as she says, “Michael Hallihan.”
I sigh, shaking my head. Michael Hallihan, an aging action movie star who just went through a high-profile divorce from his wife of twenty-odd years.
“Jesus Scarlett,” Clarissa rubs her temple.
“Jesus Scarlett is right. I’m just happy you didn’t drag this out though,” I say with a smug smile.
Clarissa glares at me. “And don’t even get me started on you. Out of all the women in the world you had to go for your fiancée’s daughter. A student at the school you currently work at, no less. Between the both of you it’s a PR nightmare.”
“She was never my fiancée Clarissa. We all know that. And what can I say? I fell in love, and I don’t regret one second of it. So yeah, I might not have fallen for the person the public believes I did, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have. I’m a changed man. I am no longer the playboy asshole they all expect me to be and that is because of Madison. There is nothing in this universe that will stop me from having her, from claiming her publicly. So instead of judging me, I suggest you do what I pay you for and come up with something that will make us all look good. Like I said, I’m not bothered about my name being dragged through the mud or losing everything. But I will not tolerate Madison being villainized and made to look like the other woman. Because she isn’t. She is my only woman. My beginning. My end.”
“She is not yours,” Scarlett screeches.
I shoot her a smug grin. “She is. The sooner you get used to it the better it will be for all of us involved. Madison loves you Scarlett, despite how you treat her. I’ve been around you both long enough to see the emotional abuse you throw at her and it makes me feel sick. There have been many times I have wanted to say something, but Madison made me bite my tongue because she didn’t want to upset you. But I am done with it. You will treat her with the respect she deserves. You will allow her to follow her own dreams and you will stop making her believe she owes you something just because you gave birth to her. She doesn’t owe you shit. Frankly, I think you are toxic, poisonous, and if I had my way, I would cut you out of her life completely. But she loves you and will never allow that. But I am not so forgiving and believe me when I say, if I think for one minute your toxicity and manipulation are affecting her in any way, I will come for you.” I push out of my chair, done with all this. Pointing a finger at her, I say, “You have one chance to make it right with her Scarlett. If you so much as make her feel an ounce of shame or guilt about me or anything else, I will make good on my threat and remove you from her life so quick your head will spin.” It’s harsh and probably over the top but I have always had my concerns about Madison’s relationship with her mother. It isn’t healthy and my dove deserves more than that. I’m not a complete asshole. I will give her a chance. But Scarlett needs to know I won’t tolerate her shit when it comes to my girl. And she is my girl. Even if she thinks differently right now.
I will show her though.
And when I do, I will never let her leave my side again.
“You can’t do this. You don’t get to tell me what to do with my daughter,” Scarlett screams as I head for the door.
Glancing over my shoulder, I shoot her a smirk that is anything but nice. “Watch me.” Then I walk away from the woman who for all intents and purposes has been my fiancée for the last eight months.
It’s been two weeks since I left LA.
Two weeks of heartbreak.
Not just for me but for everyone involved.
As much as Mom said some hurtful things, I love her, and I never meant to cause her pain. If I thought for one second that she and Knox had any type of sexual relationship, I never would have gotten involved with him. Guess he played us both for fools.
The first couple of days after me leaving, he called and messaged so much that I had to block him. He can go fuck himself. I would have blocked Mom, had she not been my mother. After five days of receiving abusive messages, which all went unanswered, she eventually stopped. As did all the pregnancy and wedding articles. It’s weird, but I guess they just asked for their privacy and the press granted it to them.
At some point I will have to speak to Mom but for right now, I am not ready. I don’t know if I ever will be. How can I face her when she is having Knox’s baby? A baby that is going to be my half-sibling. Bile rises in my throat, and I feel nauseous. Everything is so messed up. I can only be grateful that I have my father and Vanessa. They have really stepped up for me. Dad even got Principal Schwartz to agree to me doing classes online, so I didn’t have to go back to LA for school. Fortunately, Peter Devereux can be very persuasive and when he explained that I was needed in New York for family reasons, Schwartz couldn’t do enough to get things set up for me to work long distance. I will need to go back at some point, but for right now, I am staying in New York.
“Sweetie?” I glance over my shoulder to find Vanessa standing at the door that leads to the rooftop terrace of their penthouse. I’ve been out here for a couple of hours now taking pictures.
“What’s up?” I ask with a smile.