Page 23 of Be Ours
I stare at him. “Seriously?”
He shrugs.
He shrugs again and walks over to the coffee machine.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Tanner! I thought that was the guest room I was in! I’d have slept on the fucking couch if I knew I was—”
“You didn’t put me out, Cora,” he growls gently. “That is the guest room. I’ve got my own. I just…” he frowns. “I had to get…I had to get out of the house.”
It feels an awful lot like he was going to say “away from you”. His haggard eyes certainly say it. He starts to pour coffee, but then stops. His muscled shoulders slump, and he sighs.
“You know what, I might actually go sleep for a bit.” He turns to look at me. His eyes wash over me, and I tremble. Even tired and haggard looking, he still looks like he wants to eat me whole.
“The front door is locked, alarm is on. No one is—”
“I’m not scared,” I whisper. “Not here.”
Tanner nods. He smiles a hint of a smile and then yawns again. It makes me giggle.
“Go sleep. I’ll be fine, honestly.”
“Cora…” he frowns. “Last night…”
I blush. But when I see him yawn again, I shake it off. “Go sleep, Tanner. It’s fine, really.”
He nods. “I’ll be up soon.” He puts the coffee back down and shuffles down the hall around the corner. I mull around the bright kitchen with my coffee. Then I start to explore.
I poke around the house while I sip from my mug. Okay maybe the right word is “snooping,” but it’s innocent enough. I’m just curious about the man who’s house I literally slept in last night, I guess. I find pictures of a younger looking Tanner with another man, both in tan camouflage next to a Humvee. I see the “U.S. Marine Corp” insignias on their chests. In other pictures, he’s in a cop uniform alongside a man who is clearly a younger Bishop. Their arms are around each other’s shoulders.
I look through some of the other rooms, making my way through the house. Eventually, I get to yet another door. I twist the brushed steel knob, and I push the door open without thinking. Instantly, I gasp.
Shit. It’s not some random room. I’ve managed to stumble into the master bedroom.
Tanner is in his bed, asleep and shirtless. And holy hell, the man is ripped. I saw it before in the kitchen. But maybe it’s the light in here hitting him just right. The grooved muscles of his bare chest and abs point like arrows down to where the sheets bunch around his chiseled waist.
But while all of that is hot and makes me tingle, it’s not why I gasp. That would be because of what I see below his waist. Namely, the huge, thick tent in the soft white sheets.
My jaw drops, and I stare at the enormous bulge. I’m inexperienced, but I’m not naïve—I know what I’m looking at, even if I can’t quite believe that it’s real. I know what I felt last night. Again, it’s not like I have a ton of experience. But I know that what I felt was huge.
Seeing that hugeness, however, is another story. I mean holy shit. My pulse races. My mouth hangs open as I simply stare at the thick erection bulging his sheets.
And right then is when I hear the sound of a throat being cleared. My eyes dart up to his. I almost jump out of my fucking skin when I realize he’s awake; awake and staring right at me staring at him.
“Morning. Again.”
I gasp sharply, literally jumping back. “Sorry!” I blurt, my face bright red and my heart racing.
Tanner shakes his head sleepily. I start to pray that maybe, just maybe, he just saw me standing there, not specifically where I was looking. Just standing in his bedroom doorway while he sleeps, like a creep, is one thing. Standing in his bedroom doorway like a creep and staring at his erection like a thirsty psychopath is so much worse.
“No, it’s fine,” he grunts. He stretches, and I swallow as I see his muscles ripple. But that freaking erection is still there. It’s like he doesn’t realize it at all.
“Was I out long? I only meant to nap for a little bit.”
I blush. I use every ounce of my willpower to look him in the eye, and not at his morning wood.
“I woke you up. Sorry, I didn’t realize this was the master bedroom.”