Page 52 of Be Ours
“What?!” I squeal. “That’s amazing!”
“They do?” Bishop says incredulously.
“Yup. Guess all cops really are as dumb as you.”
Tanner laughs and ducks away as Bishop takes a swing at him.
“Well,” Bishop growls, chuckling. “I’ll think about it.”
I push him playfully. “Are you crazy? You don’t need to think about it. That’s a big deal!”
“Well, sounds like a lot more work,” he grunts. “Which means less time for you.”
“I’ll keep her company,” Tanner chuckles. He slides an arm around my waist. I’d be lying if I tried to claim the feeling didn’t make my thighs squeeze together.
Bishop glares at Tanner, and I sigh.
“Okay, I’m just going to say this as openly as I can.” I turn and give each of them a hard look. “If this is going to work, it’s going to be all or nothing, okay? I won’t come between you two.”
They’re both quiet, and then they both start to chuckle. I instantly get what I just said, and I blush deeply and bury my face in my hands.
“Oh my God,” I groan.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Tanner growls. “You will be coming between us. Trust me on that one.”
“You know what I mean,” I mumble through my blushing face and lust-filled thoughts.
“And you won’t,” Bishop grins. “We’ll be equal. All three of us, equal and all together.”
Tanner glances at him, grinning. “I’m not fucking you, Bishop.”
I start to convulse in giggles as Bishop roars with laughter.
“Aww, c’mon, buddy,” he chuckles. “Not even a reach-around?”
“Not even if you wear your prettiest dress,” Tanner grins.
I laugh. “Okay, how about this then. Equals, but you both concentrate on me.”
Bishop grins hungrily at me. “Greedy girl,” he growls
“Yep,” I husk. “So get better quick.” I glance at Tanner. “Sorry, but it’s all on pause until he gets better. All or nothing, right?”
Tanner frowns and glares at Bishop. “Get the fuck better, man.”
The three of us burst into laughter. Then suddenly I’m kissing Tanner. And then Bishop, and then Tanner again, before going back to Bishop.
“Hey,” I whisper shyly. “Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way.”
Tanner grins. “Happy Valentine’s Day, babygirl. Be mine?”
I smile widely. Bishop smirks. “Or, be ours?”
“Definitely,” I whisper.
Their hands find mine. When they pull me close to each of them, utterly surrounding me in their arms, I know I’ve found exactly where I’m supposed to be.