Page 14 of Controlled
“We call them anal inserts. I believe humans call them butt plugs. I prefer our term. It sounds less damaging.”
Flora tried not to tense. Part of her wanted the fullness he’d just withdrawn. Part of her wanted him to overwhelm her senses so completely that the universe ceased to exist. Nothing made sense right now. She was ready for oblivion.
He drove the insert into her with steady pressure. It felt odd, but intriguing. Her opening stretched, then stretched some more. Her muscles began to burn and then a burst of pain obliterated any enjoyment. “That hurts.” She tried to wiggle away, but he pressed down on the small of her back and held her firmly in place.
“Punishments are meant to hurt, but you will not be harmed. Relax and accept this lesson. The sting will ease.”
The thickest part of the insert passed into her and her opening contracted. She let out her breath and tried to relax, but she felt so incredibly full. She’d seen images of butt plugs on the internet. She just never imagined having one used on her. He applied more lube to her pucker then drew the toy outward until her opening was stretched tight again.
“Stop,” she cried as the burning intensified again. “That really hurts.”
“It will hurt until your body adjusts to being entered. This will help prepare you for my cock.”
She whimpered. She’d had a horrible feeling that was where this was leading. “I don’t want to be punished like that. Can’t you spank me again?”
“The choice is not yours anymore.” He pushed the toy inward then pulled it nearly out. The motion was slow and cruel. “We offered to break you in slowly, to tenderly teach you Altorian ways.” He moved the device faster, his strokes punitive.
She consciously released the tension in her muscles, hoping to lessen the burn. The more it hurt, the faster she became aroused and she didn’t want to like anything about this. “I’m sorry. All right? I should have chosen pleasure. Please, ask the question again.”
He pushed the plug deep and left it inside her as he drew her legs even farther apart. “Your pussy is ours to enjoy in whatever way we choose.” He slapped her slit, the impact harder than before.
Flora cried out, shaking with anger and frustration. It hurt and yet it made her wild, made her ache and burn. He spanked her again, waiting as the harsh sensations penetrated. Then he spanked her again. “Do you want my hand or Noratu’s cock?”
“Noratu,” she said without hesitation. “I want Noratu.”
“Then beg him. Say ‘please, Master N, fuck my naughty pussy. Fuck it really hard.’”
Her lips trembled and the final flickers of defiance sputtered out. “Please, Master N, fuck my naughty pussy. Fuck me really hard.”
“That’s our good girl,” Draven praised as he moved aside.
Noratu released her arms and went to stand behind her.
She remained exactly as Draven had left her, bent over, legs open, pussy and punished ass on display. Wasn’t someone going to take out the plug? She didn’t want to have sex with Noratu while that thing was still inside her.
Noratu grasped her hips and drew her away from the bed. “Hands and knees, ass in the air.”
How romantic, she grumbled mentally as she sank to the floor and assumed the position he requested. No longer pretending that this was anything but fucking, she spread her legs and rolled her hips, blatantly offering her pussy. She didn’t understand her body’s reaction to their cruelty, but there was no escaping the hunger Draven had unleashed. She needed sex and she needed it now.
“The female form never fails to fascinate me,” Noratu said softly. “But our mate is exceptionally pleasing.” He knelt behind her and traced her slit, then parted her folds so he could view her inner flesh. “Is this sweet little hole ready for my cock? I am more than ready for you.”
She didn’t bother pretending this wasn’t what she wanted. She needed him too badly. “Yes, Master N,” she whispered, her entire body thrumming with anticipation.
Noratu positioned himself at her entrance, then grasped her hips. He entered her slowly, but advanced with obvious purpose. She opened for him, stretching tight around his thickness. She drew in a deep breath, fighting the urge to tense. He felthuge.
“Wait. I think…”
His steady advance drove the breath from her lungs and ended her argument before it fully formed. He pulled nearly out, adjusted his angle, then pushed back in much faster than before. Her body gradually accepted the invasion, relaxing until the discomfort faded and all she felt was full.
His hips rocked steadily, sliding his cock in and out of her snug passage. “I’m not going to last very long.”
She wasn’t sure if the comment was meant to reassure her or encourage her to relax and let the pleasure build. The slide felt nice and the fullness was welcome, but her arousal was barely simmering.
Suddenly, Draven fisted the back of her hair and drew her head up and to the side. He’d released his cock and was stroking it with his other hand. “Part your lips, girl,” he ordered. “I’m going to fuck that sassy mouth.”
She paused long enough to look at him. His cock was long and thick, and chalk-white just like his face. The basic shape was similar to a human man’s but the tip was less flared. His fingers tightened, warning her that he expected to be obeyed. She licked her lips, then took the tip of his cock into her mouth. His skin was hot, his flesh hard, his taste unique and inviting. Salty, yet sweet, his taste lacked the musky undertone of a human’s.
Draven gave her a moment to explore, then drove to the back of her mouth. She raised one hand, meaning to wrap her fingers around the portion of his shaft still outside of her lips.