Page 31 of Controlled
“You have progressed just as rapidly as we hoped you would.” Nadis’ smile seemed a bit sad. “This is where my expertise ends. I sense other abilities in you. They will need to be developed in the coming months. You will work with mentors who specialize in specific abilities. Your mates are already fully trained operatives, which is unusual. They will teach you how to integrate the triad. I am available for questions any time night or day, but I doubt that you will need me.”
Flora gave her a spontaneous hug and was relieved when Nadis hugged her back. “Thank you for making this so pleasant. I was worried that all the mentors were like my father.”
Nadis’ smile broadened. “All the controller mentors are.” She paused, looking as if she were debating what else to say. “Both of your mates have good hearts. I know Draven can be harsh, but he is one of the good ones. Trust them. They will not lead you astray.”
Encouraged by the thought, Flora returned to the apartment she shared with her mates. With two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large living room, and compact kitchen, the elegant space was more than adequate for the needs of three people. Especially when the three people generally slept in one bed.
The males had yet to return, so Flora decided to comm her grandmother. It was a privilege she’d earned with good behavior. It took Iris a few minutes to respond, but when she did she activated video as well as audio. Flora loved being able to see Iris, to know for a fact that she was being well treated.
Iris smiled at Flora, her dark eyes warm. “We spoke yesterday. Did you miss me already?”
“Do you have something better to do?” Flora challenged, but returned her grandmother’s smile.
“How is training going?”
“The first phase is finished,” she said proudly. “Nadis just cut me loose.”
“Really? That was fast.” Iris’ gaze narrowed as she stared at Flora. “Are you confident in the skills she taught you?”
“I think so. I know I have a lot still to learn, but basic manipulation has become instantaneous.”
“I’m impressed. Nadis must be one heck of a mentor.”
Flora was impressed with Nadis’ patient instruction, but she suspected that her rapid progress had more to do with her lineage. Never one to beat around the bush, she simply asked, “Which one of your mates was Torretian?”
Iris’ brows arched, but she didn’t deny it. “Why do you ask?”
“You know why.” Allowing her frustration to show, she said, “Every time I think I’ve discovered all your secrets, I find out about something else that you and Mom kept from me. Answer the question.”
“He was my source,” Iris admitted. “Your biological grandfather.”
“Then I am one fourth Torretian?”
“We had your DNA tested. Azar will never admit it but he has Torretian relatives too. Forty-eight percent of your genetic makeup originated on Torret.”
She wasn’t surprised by the revelation. She just wasn’t sure if it changed anything. “What does that mean for me?”
“You could be capable of power exchange. It is an extremely rare and coveted ability. I tried for years but was unable to master it. Your mother was able to do it within days. When she saw the results of your DNA analysis, she was terrified that your abilities would surpass even hers. It was one of the reasons we were so determined to protect you. Your mother was ruthlessly pursued because of her abilities. You would have been too if we hadn’t left.”
Flora nodded, but wasn’t sure what else to say. On the surface, it seemed like Flora’s mother and grandmother selflessly risked their lives to protect their descendants. But Flora also knew about the deep emotional wounds that led to their decision. “What about Raina and Aspen? Did you have their DNA tested too?”
“Your percentage was the highest, but all three of you were in the forties.”
“Do you know what’s happening with them?” Noratu had said they were sent back to their families, but that was the last she had heard.
“I spoke with Raina this morning, but Cara’s parents have refused all of my comms. I was informed that she has reverted to her birth name, so you should try to stop thinking of her as Aspen. She is Cara now.”
Flora wasn’t sure how she felt about that. But it was Asp—Cara’s choice so she would try to abide by her wishes. “How is Raina?”
“Depressed and angry. Her parents are trying to find her the best mates, but she doesn’t really want to bond with anyone. Sound familiar? We raised you as free-thinking humans. It’s hard to adjust to Altorian expectations after knowing that sort of freedom.”
Ironically, freedom was not what she missed when she thought about her life on Earth. She missed the majestic scenery in Alaska. She missed simplicity and peace. But her human life had been routine, often boring, and utterly without purpose. “I’m adjusting faster than I expected. Noratu and Draven are a lot less horrible than I thought they would be.”
“A lot less horrible?” Iris laughed. “That is not very high praise.”
Her mind circled back to the mysterious ability. “What does it do? Why do so many people want it?”
“Power exchange?” When Flora just nodded, Iris explained. “It transforms one type of mystic energy into another. Your mother would take Torretian energy and manifest it as fire instead of water.”