Page 52 of Controlled
“Wedid incredibly well,” she corrected, turning her head sharply to look up at him. “Triads are a team. I couldn’t have done this without you two.”
“And we couldn’t have done it without you,” Draven countered as he ran his hand down the back of her hair. “Congratulations on the success of your first mission. We can officially call ourselves a triad now.”
She accepted the praise with a smile, but couldn’t help wondering about all the other things President Zevon would order them to do.
Hobak dropped them off at the Citadel half an hour later. They went directly to their apartment and ripped off her dress before the door even closed completely. Draven went to the couch and sat down, releasing his cock with nearly frantic urgency.
“Give me your mouthnow,” he ordered.
Flora did not hesitate. She took him deep and began to suck, needing him just as badly as he needed her.
Noratu stood behind her and thrust into her pussy. Each of his firm strokes jostled the anal insert and rocked her forward onto Draven. Their passions had been smoldering since before the mission, so no one lasted long. Draven came first, then Flora as she greedily sucked and licked his cock clean. Noratu lost control a few moments later, spilling deep inside her pussy.
Draven chuckled as he righted his uniform. “That lasted all of two minutes. We will have to do better than that.”
“We will make it up to her when we get home,” Noratu agreed as she licked him clean as well.
Once everyone was satisfied, Draven took out the anal insert and tossed it in the recycler. Then he told Flora to dress and help Noratu gather up their belongings.
While Flora and Noratu packed, Draven went to update Zevon and officially accepted his invitation to become a fulltime member of the Citadel staff. Governor Draven Aldar had a nice ring to it. Flora just hoped he wouldn’t miss being his own boss too much. And more important, she hoped that he was doing this because participating in the board interested and challenged him, not because joining a triad made the change necessary.
Draven was waiting for Flora and Noratu when they reached the departure bay half an hour later. Both males were capable of piloting the small craft, but Draven preferred to do so. Noratu usually let her sit beside Draven so she could enjoy an unobstructed view. Today, however, Noratu chose the front seat, explaining that he had several tasks that could not wait until they reached Altor.
Flora relaxed in her seat and tried to meditate, but concerns and speculation would not allow her to concentrate. Reaching out, she touched Draven’s arm, squeezing lightly until he looked back at her. “Am I the only reason you chose to join the board of governors?”
He shook his head as he pivoted to face her. “I have known Zevon for many years. The attack on the new Citadel fired up everyone, so they elected a soldier as president. Unfortunately for Zevon, the existing board came with the position and all of the governors are career politicians.”
“He’s recruiting reinforcements?”
“Exactly,” he confirmed with a faint smile.
“And you’re just helping out a friend?” She wasn’t sure she believed him. Helping out a friend wasn’t a compelling enough reason for most people to make such a drastic change.
The shuttle was largely automated, so he moved to the seat beside hers. His expression was tense, his mind heavily shielded. “My security company gave me freedom like I’d never experienced before, but it lacked the driving purpose I need to feel truly fulfilled.”
Not wanting to rush him or interfere with his thought process, she just nodded. Everyone wanted to feel like they had accomplished something important, but few she knew were lucky enough to achieve that goal.
“I have more reason than most to hate the Torretians,” he stated solemnly. “I told you that I came to live at the Citadel when I was twelve, but I never explained why.”
She stilled, sensing that he was about to reveal something important. “I thought your powers just developed sooner than usual.”
He looked away from her and sighed. “My family lived on one of the lunar outposts. They were part of the initial peacekeeping force but liked the community so they decided to relocate once their rotation had finished. I had two siblings, a younger sister and older brother.”
The pain in his expression told her that she was about to learn about the dark times Noratu had mentioned but refused to explain. “The outpost was attacked?”
His head dipped once and then he said in a tight, low voice, “The Torretians slaughtered everyone.No onewas spared.”
“Then how did…” She couldn’t find the words to ask why he wasn’t dead along with his entire family.
“I was at the Citadel being assessed. That is the only reason I am still alive.”
She went to him, kneeling between his legs. “I am so sorry, my love. I can’t even begin to imagine that sort of pain.” She quickly fit the rest of the pieces together from what she already knew. He lived at the Citadel after he was orphaned and joined the military at seventeen. Azar must have befriended Draven during those early years and helped him work through his anger and grief. When Draven returned from the military, he was accepted for training and Azar became his mentor. No wonder they were close. Azar had become a surrogate family to that lost and tormented youth.
Draven took her hand between his and slowly let her into his mind. His being ached, the pain still present yet distant, bearable. “I have had many years to process those emotions, but I want no secrets between us. I also want you to understand why the war is so important to me. The emperor is the driving force behind the destruction, but the Torretians have been lashing out at innocent colonists longer than we have been alive. It must stop.”
“I agree with you, but how many triads are there? A dozen?”