Page 57 of Controlled
Flora chuckled, trying not to be insulted by her cousin’s attitude. “Do I seem subjugated? You’re here because my mates want me to be happy and they knew I was really worried about you and Raina. Does that sound like males determined to keep their female on her knees?”
Cara glanced at Raina then back at Flora. “I’ll think about it.”
“There is nothing to think about,” Raina stressed. “We have one month to decide who we want to bond with. That is the only choice we are being allowed. We both need to buckle down and make the best decision.”
“I don’t accept that,” Cara insisted.
Raina threw up her hands. “You have never been rational. I don’t know why Flora expected this to be different. I’m going for a swim.” She spun on the ball of her foot and hurried off down the hallway.
Cara glared at Raina until she disappeared from view, then moved to the foot of the bed and sat down. “Why did you give in so easily?”
“My reasons would not make sense to you right now. Once you’ve decided on your mates, ask me again. I’ll explain the emotional evolution I have been through.”
Cara made a face. “That’s a copout.”
“I’m going to ask a personal question. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Cara just looked at her expectantly, so Flora asked, “Did you react more strongly to any of the males? Was one team more interesting than the others?”
Cara looked as if she would deny it, then she took a deep breath and nodded. “There was an informal reception when we first got to the Citadel. All the finalists were there and I really clicked with one of the teams. But when the examination began, they didn’t try to keep the others from touching me. In fact, the controller was the worst of all of them. It felt like a betrayal.”
“You are hurt and angry, and yet you can’t stop thinking about them?” The fear in Cara’s eyes confirmed Flora’s suspicion. “What are their names?”
“I don’t want to see them again,” Cara insisted, but the flush on her cheeks and increased breathing told a different story. “The controller is an arrogant jerk.”
“I just want to ask Draven if he knows them. Draven grew up at the Citadel. He knows everyone.”
Cara hesitated. She licked her lips and ran her hands along her thighs. “The controller’s name is Tovastine Nee. The others called him Tov. The source was Merrik something. I’m sorry, I don’t remember.”
“Let me find out more about them. Clearly, there is some sort of connection between you. Let me see if they’re worth a second look.”
With her arms crossed over her chest, Cara rubbed her upper arms. “As long as looking is all they do.”
Flora just smiled. That was highly unlikely if Tov and Merrik had set their sights on Cara, but the first step was to find out if they were mate material. She made it to the door when Cara stopped her.
“How long did it take you to choose?”
Flora looked back at her. “I wasn’t given a choice. I was claimed moments after the spaceship left Earth.”
Cara’s jaw dropped. “Then how can you possibly be so calm, so well adjusted?”
“Call it luck or fate, destiny. All I know is I love my mates with all my heart and feel as if we have been together forever.”
* * *
Despite fucking Flora before leaving the Citadel, Noratu was still restless. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside his mate and keep it there for the rest of the night. He wanted his cum dripping from all three of her holes and he wanted to hear her screams of pleasure as Draven did the same. Carnal hunger was common after a mystic battle and one quick release had just left him anxious for more.
“Raina and Cara must be taught Altorian ways,” Draven was saying to Iris. He stood facing her as she sat on the sofa, looking annoyed.
“I am aware of your expectations.” She managed to keep defiance out of her tone, but her gaze communicated clearly. “My granddaughters were taught to think for themselves. Presenting them with information about this antiquated society is not going to change their perspective.”
Draven clasped his hands behind his back. Never a good sign. “Do you want to supervise Cara and Raina until their mates have been chosen or shall I send for a mentor from the Citadel?”
“I prefer to stay.” Her features were suddenly expressionless, as was her tone.
“Then adjust your attitude. Your granddaughters are conduits. They will be claimed and become part of a power triad. Will you commit to helping them make that transition or must you be forbidden from seeing them?”
She glared at him for several seconds before stating, “I will teach them what you want them to know.”
Draven stared at her silently for a long moment. “Your resentment is counterproductive to their success. They are part of this society now whether you approve or not.”