Page 24 of Bound
She reached the end of the path and the high stone wall encircling the garden. Trapped. She was trapped by Altorian rules, trapped by her own physiology. Tov and Merrik had triggered something inside her. She didn’t know exactly what they’d done or if it had been intentionally, but she couldn’t relax, couldn’t sleep. Her body ached and all she could think about was sex. No, that wasn’t accurate. All she could think about was sex with Merrik and Tov.
It had been six days since the assessment and each night she dreamed about them. The images grew more detailed and graphic. She touched herself while she fantasized about them, but that only made the dreams more erotic. She’d read reports about females losing control of their awakening power and harming themselves and others. She also read of females going insane when they ignored the warning signs.
Not willing to risk either outcome, Cara reluctantly left the garden and went looking for Grinnel. After Lezod left for work each day, Grinnel enjoyed a leisurely cup of tea in the morning room. Cara had witnessed the routine for the past six days, but she was still too angry to participate.
She stepped into the doorway, but didn’t enter. The room was bathed in sunlight. It was cozy and inviting. Cara might have enjoyed spending time there—if Grinnel went somewhere else. “May I speak with you?”
“Of course, dear.” She deactivated the holo-display in front of her with a wave of her hand and set her teacup aside. “What can I do for you?”
Desperately searching for the least humiliating way to explain this, Cara finally said, “I have not felt well since leaving the Citadel. I think some sort of connection was formed between me and team three.”
“Are you having sexual dreams?”
Cara nodded. “Every night.”
“Is the hunger continuous or does it wax and wane?”
Crossing her arms, she looked anywhere but at Grinnel. “It isn’t quite continuous, but it’s getting there fast.”
“I was afraid this would happen. Your attraction to team three was obvious. Your father is still resisting the idea, but it might already be too late.”
“What are my options?” She dragged her gaze back to Grinnel, feeling slightly less vulnerable. “Will you let me contact them?”
“I will make the arrangements. Try to distract yourself. See if you can find a way of keeping your mind occupied.”
Cara nodded again and started to leave, then she added, “Please hurry. I probably should have told you sooner. I am… really struggling.”
“I understand.”
Turning toward the doorway, Cara forced herself to think through the sexual urgency. “Can they get me pregnant?”
“Our species must be bonded to create offspring. You were given medi-bots as well as the nano-translator before we took you to the Citadel, so diseases are not a danger either. Just relax and let them guide you through this. Everything will be fine.”
Cara prowled the house like a caged animal. She couldn’t sit still, couldn’t stop moving. Her skin felt electrified and her pulse raced. Waves of heat cascaded through her, pooling between her thighs. Her breasts ached and her core clenched, the emptiness unbearable. Time passed in a blur. She wasn’t sure if it was hours or just a few minutes later, but she heard the angry rumble of a male voice or voices on the main floor. She crept down the front stairs, trying to figure out if the disruption involved her or if Grinnel and Lezod were arguing.
“No one would agree to this.” Tov’s tone sounded more like a snarl. “The stipulations are insulting.”
“If you refuse, I will allow Chancellor Ephrod to claim her,” Lezod snapped, his voice just as hostile as Tov’s had been. “The choice is yours.”
“Ephrod already refused you or we would not be here,” Tov shot back.
“Why would Ephrod refuse to claim her?” Merrik sounded confused by the possibility. “She is the prize we all covet.”
She should probably be offended that he thought of her as a prize, but it felt nice to be wanted. Back on Earth she barely drew the notice of young, successful men. Now some of the most powerful males on Altor were fighting over her. Cara reached the main floor and hurried toward the library where the conversation was taking place.
“My guess would be that Ephrod wants to make sure that she survives her awakening with her mind and power intact before he commits to the union.”
Pausing to one side of the doorway, Cara pressed her back against the wall. Judging by Ephrod’s behavior during the assessment, Tov was probably right. If she was damaged by her awakening, she would be no use to the arrogant chancellor. Still, the concern hung over her like a storm cloud. Could she really lose her mind if someone didn’t stabilize her power? And what exactly did that mean? It was pretty obvious that they would need to fuck her, but what else would it take to bring this hunger back under control?
As if hearing her silent question, Merrik said, “Awakening a female is intense andintimate,and you know how much stronger she will feel once her power is unleashed. It is highly unlikely that she will tolerate the touch of anyone else once we have done as you ask.”
“That is a chance I am willing to take,” Lezod said. “Deescalate this crisis and you will be allowed to court her. Refuse and you will never see her again.”
“There is only one reason for your stipulation.” Tov was no longer yelling, but his brittle tone was even more disheartening. Was there nothing about this that appealed to him? He had certainly seemed eager enough at the Citadel. “You won’t let us claim her because you intend to give her to Ephrod after we stabilize her power.”
“That would be my preference. I will not pretend otherwise. However, my mate has helped me see the value you and Merrik would bring to the table. I am willing to give the possibility more consideration.”
Value and benefits; Lezod sounded as if he was discussing a business venture, not a lifelong relationship. Would he be this cavalier if he had known her since birth? Would her happiness mean nothing to him? Tears stung her eyes and she pressed her hand over her heart, aching for something she had never really known. Cara had never gone hungry. She had been provided for and protected, but her primary caregiver was her middle-aged grandmother. Iris did the best she could, but her daughter was clinically depressed and her granddaughters ran her ragged. Though affectionate, Iris had always seemed overwhelmed.