Page 46 of Bound
“I need some godsdamn information! Have you forgotten the reason you’re there?”
Cylex tensed. He really hated this worthless piece of shit, and it was getting harder and harder to conceal the fact. “The conduits were uncomfortable with me at first, but they are starting to speak openly in front of me. I am confident that they will soon say something actionable. When they do, I will immediately report it to you.”
“You have been shadowing them for almost two weeks. They did not say anything ‘actionable’ in all that time?” Jevara’s brows arched nearly to his hairline. “I think you are full of shit.”
The feeling was mutual. “I am sorry you feel that way, sire. I am doing the best I can.”
“It’s amazing how much more people can accomplish with the right motivation.” Jevara made an intricate series of gestures with his left hand and a different holo-image took over Cylex’s display. Anias, the oldest of Cylex’s sisters, sat playing some sort of table game with a beautiful dark-haired woman. Both were dressed in the sheer dresses of Jevara’s pleasure givers. Understanding slammed into Cylex, momentarily robbing him of breath. “She has been bathed and prepared for my pleasure.” Jevara’s image replaced the other scene. “As of right now, I have not touched her. Tell me something I do not already know or I will walk down the hall and bury my cock deep in her sweet virgin body.”
A strangled growl escaped Cylex’s throat before he regained the ability to speak. “If you touch her, I will kill you.”
“I have no doubt you will try, but sweet Anias will have been fucked by every guard in this palace long before you arrive. Nowtalk.”
Days ago Cylex had decided not to tell Jevara anything more. Raina and Cara had potentially dangerous abilities, but they had yet to harm anyone. They did not deserve what Jevara had in store for them. But neither did Anias! How could he protect Raina and Cara without allowing his sister to be abused?
He scrambled for facts that would not endanger the conduits, something true yet harmless. He could only think of one and he wasn’t sure it would satisfy Jevara. “One of the girls is dream sharing with her potential mates. They have not yet claimed her, but it is only a matter of time.”
“Interesting. Why did you keep this from me?”
“I did not think it relevant. The males are on a spaceship, so they could not claim her if they wanted to. If that changed, I would have informed you.”
“Which conduit is stronger?”
Cylex tensed, already feeling guilty about what he’d shared. “They are both pretty useless right now. Their mentor is teaching them the skills they will need once their power has been unleashed, but the courtships have not officially begun. We have plenty of time.”
“Are either of them still a virgin? You know how I love virgin cunt.”
The evil gleam in Jevara’s eyes made Cylex clench his teeth. The emperor was truly depraved and Anias was now entirely at his mercy. “I have no idea.”
Jevara studied him intently for a long, tense moment. “You have played spy long enough. You have twenty-four hours to bring me one of the conduits. I do not care which one.”
“But, sire, I cannot accomplish that in a single day. I need time to plan and set things in motion.”
“Fine. Three days, but not a minute more. If you fail in this, you will find me balls deep in your sister’s ass!”
Unable to conceal his loathing any longer, Cylex fisted his hands and glared at his nemesis.
“Do not test me on this, Cylex,” Jevara warned. “If you betray me, your sister will be the centerpiece at my next dinner party.”
Jevara ended the comm and Cylex punched the nearest wall. Pain shot up his arm and white noise filled his ears as his knuckles connected with riveted metal. A red haze passed over his vision but he managed not to make a sound. Jevara’s sexual excesses and his obscene dinner parties were notorious. It was one of the reasons Cylex had hidden his sisters off world. This was not the first time Jevara had threatened them. Cylex’s chest burned and he drew in a quick breath. Apparently, he had not hidden them well enough.
Anias had just turned nineteen but she was incredibly innocent. She had spent the last five years focused on her younger sisters. Cylex provided for them financially, but Anias took care of them. She was selfless and sweet. It was unthinkable that her first sexual encounter would be with someone as repugnant as Jevara.
Regaining as much calm as he could muster, Cylex left the storeroom and returned to the training center. He walked over to Nadis. “I need to speak with President Raydo. I will return as quickly as I can.”
“What’s wrong?” she asked, glancing around the room with obvious concern. “Should we move to a more secure location?”
“It is a personal matter. The trainees are not in danger.” And he would make damn sure it stayed that way.
She nodded though worry still shadowed her gaze. “I will let Zevon know you are coming.”
* * *
Fortifying himself with a deep breath, Tov raised his knuckles and knocked on the door to Zevon’s office. Usually Zevon’s assistant sat at a desk in the outer room, but the young male was nowhere in sight.
“It’s open,” Zevon called.
The door was ajar, so Tov widened the opening and walked inside. The office was large and ornately decorated, a sharp contrast to the personality of its occupant. Zevon was a no-nonsense soldier and a highly skilled controller. He was more comfortable sleeping in a primitive tent than in the luxurious apartment reserved for the Citadel’s president. He had been elected as a disruptor, an agent of much needed change.