Page 64 of Bound
Resentment erupted in Laidon’s eyes, but Tov shut it down before the argument could reignite. Motioning Merrik back into his seat, Tov said firmly, “From this moment on, anyone who speaks of anything other than the mission will not participate. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Commander,” Cylex said.
“Please continue,” Laidon urged.
Tov paused to reorganize his thoughts. He had already outlined the basic plan but hadn’t even started to identify possible problems.
“There have been so many interruptions,” Cara said. “Can you please take me through the entire sequence of events before we move on?”
“Of course, mate.” Damn, it felt good to say that word and know that it was true. “TheAgitarriwill remain shielded and on standby during the entire mission. Because he is so recognizable, Laidon will remain aboard. The rest of us will approach the palace in theAnolox.As far as the Torretians are concerned, the smaller ship is the only ship.”
“Tov and I will pretend to be Cylex’s private guard as he presents you to Jevara. The emperor is expecting us, so there is no reason to believe we will not be allowed to visit,” Merrik took up where Tov had left off. “Jevara will have you taken to the women’s quarters to be prepared for his pleasure. He has never touched a female until she has gone through this process so the risk to you is minimal.”
She looked wary, but just nodded.
“As soon as you reach the women’s quarters, Shalia and Anias will approach you. They were notified of the plan so this should happen immediately. Once they are near you, signal Laidon and then get as close as possible. The molecular teleporter will stream all three of you onto theAgitarriand the ship will jump to hyperspace.”
“I don’t like that part,” she insisted. “We should wait to make sure you guys get out safely before we take off.”
“I agree,” Laidon said. “The females will be safely aboard the warship. I think we should wait until you three are onboard the smaller ship at the very least.”
Tov glanced at Merrik. Using their mate as bait went against every protective instinct they had, but a mission could not succeed unless the assets were used appropriately. “All right. TheAgitarristays until we are aboard theAnolox.”
“Thank you.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
The banked embers of his desire flickered to life, but he forced the feelings back into hibernation. Now was not the time. They would have one more night to indulge their passions before this mission began. “While the palace guards escort you to the women’s quarters, Cylex will tell the emperor that he has new information regarding the other conduits hidden on Earth. Cylex will insist that the contact will only pass information to him, so he needs to head to Earth as soon as possible.”
“Jevara wants as many conduits as he can get his hands on,” Cylex reiterated. “He will believe the story because it is what he wants to believe.”
“That means we should be able to walk out as casually as we walked in, board theAnolox, and both ships will jump to hyperspace. If all goes as planned, we will be on our way home before Jevara realizes that it was all a ruse.”
“Jevara will send hunters after you.” Cara looked at Cylex, compassion clouding her gaze. “You will not be safe as long as that bastard is alive.”
“That is true of so many people and most did nothing to deserve his enmity. As Laidon is happy to point out, I did this to myself.”
Her expression hardened and her gaze became fierce as she turned and looked at Tov. “We need to take Jevara out while we have the chance. We might never get this close to him again.”
“We would all be slaughtered where we stood,” Cylex said before Tov could answer. “I want him dead more than you can imagine, but now is not the time.”
“He’s right, Cara,” Laidon said softly. “Obviously, I would not utter those words unless they were true.”
“This is a rescue mission,” Tov stressed. “Anyone who does not remain focused on the mission objectives will endanger everyone else. Now, start listing all the things that could go wrong so we can decide what to do about them.”
“My access code could have been disabled,” Cylex said. The women’s quarters were protected by additional shielding that prevented molecular teleportation into or out of the area. Cylex had a code that allowed him to temporarily disable any security feature. His expression turned thoughtful, but his gaze locked with hers. “If that happens, you, Shalia, and Anias will need to leave the women’s quarters. That means getting past the guards. Shalia is a highly trained soldier, and you have abilities even without your mates, but it won’t be easy.”
“One of the guards assigned to the area is a rebel,” Laidon chimed in. “I’ll make sure he is on duty tomorrow night.”
Tov nodded. “That should help. Keep going. What else should we anticipate?”
For the next two hours they picked apart the plan, discussing anything and everything that could possibly give them trouble. Once they were all convinced that they were as well prepared as possible, Tov insisted that they share a quick meal. He was hoping to build a little camaraderie. Cylex and Laidon did not need to become friends, but they had to function as a team. The first few minutes went smoothly. Then Cara decided to poke the sleeping bear.
“Cylex, you are not allowed to speak while Laidon answers this question. But think about what you are going to say because I’m going to ask you the same question.”
Tov groaned inwardly and reached for her mind.Leave it alone, love. That’s an order.
We’re not in bed or on the mission. And this wound is in serious need of lancing.Then she quickly asked her question before he could stop her. “Laidon, whatspecificallyhappened that made you hate Cylex so badly? It’s obvious that you used to be friends.”
She might be right about lancing the wound, but that wasn’t going to keep him from spanking her fabulous ass for ignoring the order.