Page 72 of Bound
Cara heard the weapons long before they reached the throne room. Shalia darted to one side of the double doors while Cara stayed on the other. The fact that she’d paused to assess the scene instead of rushing in blindly said a lot for Shalia’s training and her ability to remain calm.
Peeking into the room, Cara took in the scene with one long glance. Cylex crouched behind a toppled table, while Tov and Merrik were using the throne for cover. The emperor was nowhere in sight, of course. Cowards always made others fight their battles for them.
The combatants seemed evenly matched. Their party would fire and then the guards would volley. The only imbalance was the fact that there were eight guards. Eight against three didn’t seem quite fair.
Cara reached for Merrik.Do you have more energy for me, love? That was amazing, by the way.
Why are you still here?Tov growled in her mind.You should be aboard the Agitarri.
Shields are still up, she told him.Laidon didn’t even respond when we reached the hallway. We’re going to have to fight our way back to the Anolox. It’s our only hope.
Fuck. Just fuck!
The males continued to fire at the guards, but suddenly Cara felt a dizzying surge of energy saturate her system. Better still, she felt Tov’s steely control as she threw the first fireball. Unlike the unarmed guards in the women’s quarters, these jerks were actively trying to harm her mates so they got good and singed by each burst of energy.
Soon several of the guards turned and started shooting at the doorway.
Stop holding back, mate, Tov ordered.End this!
He was right. Each time she tried to discourage them rather than actually harm them, she risked the lives of her team. Pausing to absorb as much energy as she could, she let Tov take control of the conduit. The next pulse burst from her chest rather than her hands and it knocked all eight of the guards off their feet. He forced a second pulse from her and she guided it into the guards’ weapons. The alloy heated, fusing until the weapons became useless. Stunned, but still breathing, all eight guards lay there moaning as the three rebels jogged out of the throne room.
Anias flew into Cylex’s arms with a happy cry, but a quick hug was all they had time for right now. The danger was not just real, it was compounding.
Cylex pushed his sister behind him and took the lead. He knew the palace better than the others, so no one argued with the move. “We can’t risk taking a tram. We would be too vulnerable.” Instead he led them down into a dank warren of utility tunnels.
Cara could hear the trams whizzing by overhead, so she knew they were on the right track. It felt like they jogged forever, but that could be because every shadow and noise made her jump. Merrik reached down and took her hand.
“You saved our asses back there.” He smiled at her, obviously sensing that she needed the encouragement.
“How did you pass me energy? I thought triads had to be touching to function.”
“No clue. I felt your need and just reacted.”
“And that last pulse wasn’t fire,” Tov told her. “I’m nearly certain we manifested air.”
Flora had claimed that she and her cousins were a new breed of conduits. Cara was starting to believe it.
Cylex warned them all into silence as they climbed a metal ladder and emerged in the large open room where they’d left the fighter. Cara scanned the rows of ships and spotted theAnolox. Clear down at the other end, of course.
“Separate into small groups and just casually walk down there like we belong here,” Shalia suggested in a stage whisper.
Cylex didn’t look pleased with the suggestion but he nodded.
“You and the girl first,” Tov ordered. “Then Merrik and Cara. Shalia and I will bring up the rear.”
Cylex took Anias by the hand and led her toward the ship. Merrik waited until he was halfway there before he motioned Cara to begin their trek. Walking normally was agony. Everything inside her wanted to run. Cylex reached the ship and activated the hatch. He helped/threw Anias into the ship then climbed in after her. They were nearly there when a shrill alarm began to pulse and flashing lights spun crazily all around them.
No need for subtlety now. The last four sprinted to the ship and dove on board. Cylex took off a millisecond after the hatch sealed. He flew toward the open end of the room. Massive doors were closing but the progress was mercifully slow. They flew out through the energy field long before the physical barrier prevented their escape.
Fighters swooped toward them from all over the cluster. Several were firing as they flew. None were in range, so Cylex simply ignored them and jumped to hyperspace.
For a long silent moment time seemed to pause. Everyone was struggling to believe that they were still alive and on their way home, or at least on their way to freedom.
“I can’t believe we pulled that off,” Shalia finally broke the silence. “Where the hell is Laidon?”
“He was on the other ship,” Tov told her. “The much larger warship that was going to tear the cluster apart if all else failed.”
“I see.” She blew out a shaky breath and pressed her hand over her chest. “And where are we headed now? Obviously, anywhere on Torret is no longer an option.”