Page 102 of Shellshock
Silky menace laced his tone as he said, “No one is coming to find you.”
He was absolutely right. They were unfathomably far from all traces of civilization. No one would ever, ever find them, not in a million years.
It made this seem more final.
He stripped her suit off with efficient, none-too-gentle motions, leaving her panting and physically exhausted.
Fighting felt like drowning. Some misleading instinct said to kick off the ground—only there was no ground. Bracing her elbows on the door, she pushed, but his armored hips pinned her flat. Every muscle in her body weakened. He was too strong, too unstoppable, and she would never win.
All the while, he took what he wanted without hesitation. Grasping her hip, he notched himself inside.
Without warning, she felt herself slippingdown.
Gravity was restoring. The realization freaked her out. She was going to be impaled on him. She grabbed his arms to slow her descent.
With a low laugh, he kept going. Her thighs split on either side of his and her feet dangled far off the floor. In another few seconds, he shoved her down.
The fiery invasion snapped up inside her, forcing a loud gasp from her throat. It wasn’t a slow adjustment. Caligher rooted himself just before that terrifying bulge. If he forced the remainder inside, it would come with a hell of a lot of pain.
She tried… she really tried not to freak out, but she was more than a little terrified. She could tell him to stop. Shecould. And maybe she should have—but another part of her didn’t want to lose the culmination of this moment. Lucca had dreamed of this for so long that her voice remained caught in her throat, a thick knot of trepidation.
Another centimeter—a wider stretch. His broad body sealed to her back, forcing her to feel every shifting plate, every labored breath, all that energy he packed. With a couple of exploratory strokes, he burrowed even deeper, gasping with his own pleasure.
And her toes skimmed the cold floor. Unless she could stand on tiptoe for hours, she was going to lose this battle. She was already slipping for purchase in a desperate fight not to be totally impaled.
“Oh my god…” she whimpered.
A pleasured breath cut from his throat. Breathing hard, he paused to dot gentle kisses over her sensitive neck, down her sweat-sheened shoulder. A string of goosebumps erupted.
He bit her. Hard.
The pain seared in a direct path to her core. She slipped down, crying out incoherently. It was wrong and wet and just a little painful but so fucking divine.
“Put your hands behind your back,” he said, licking his black tongue over the stinging marks.
“What?” That would make her position impossible. “I… No, I can’t—”
He found her nipple and pinched, electrocuting the sensitive bud and startling a yelp from her.
A tight knot of ecstasy twisted in her gut—stunning, blinding. She’d never felt anything so terrible and wonderful at once. “Please, oh my god, please, just—”
“Your hands.Now.”
“But I’ll slip!” She concentrated hard enough to say the clumsy words in his language.
“Trust me, Lucca,I won’t let you.” He pulled her hair back, pressing his lips against her cheek, bringing them together in every way they could be. “It’ll only feel like you are.”
Releasing a defeated breath, she wrapped her arms at the small of her back. He fused her cuffs together with a click—and continued to fuck her in that impossible position.
Arm around her shoulders, he steadied her and encouraged her slow descent. He was deeper now. Little by little, her overstretched muscles gave way to that increasing girth. Her legs burned and trembled, warning her of their impending collapse.
“Fall down on me, Lucca. I will catch you.Or say stop. Stop.Do you understand me?”
She nodded, drunk on the swamping heat.