Page 110 of Shellshock
Her terminal beeped. Finally, she had a lock. She hit a button and the ship ahead lurched to a momentary standstill.
“I think I got it!” she exclaimed.
A wicked grin crossed her face. The same stupid grin was plastered to his. Stars shot by on every side—the brightest line looming high above their heads—the glorious stream of the Milky Way, guiding her home.
“Lucca, open the fuel bay on it. Drain him!”
“How the hell do you plan to fly it if you get it back empt—never mind.” Why was she even asking?He’d probably suck the fuel out of a rock with his own mouth and spit it into his ship like a delinquent.
Globs of brilliant color floated out from every side of the red ship, bright with ethereal ship light, twirling and spreading in a swirl of vibrant ribbons.
Their target torpedoed off into the darkness. They torpedoed after it—Caligher and Lucca flying in tandem. Chills lit her skin. She’d never flown so fast.
“Do you trust me, Lucca?”
“I trust that you’re fucking crazy.”
He laughed. “I’m gonna open the window. And you’re gonna brake hard. Can you do that?”
“Fine. Sure.”
“You’re buckled in? All the way?”
“I’m always buckled in. Are you?”
Of course, he’s not.
A tall section of the main window split open, just the electric membrane keeping them safe. She felt the nothingness licking at the edges of the atmosphere, testing its integrity, trying to get a taste for the human meat inside the dome. It was like pulling the top off a convertible while chasing down a criminal on the darkest night of the year.
Utterly deadly.
Absolutely thrilling.
To her right, Caligher stood atop his chair, angling himself as she centered their sights on the back of Wingless.
“Brake!” he shouted.
She pulled it. Gravity. Joystick.
Caligher flew from the cabin, landing flat on the back of Wingless hard enough to dent the hull. As he tore into his ship, she regained speed and fled after them. The pirate was trying to shake them off. Wingless lurched this way, then that, but Lucca had gotten better at flying.
The ship ahead shuddered and she knew Caligher was doing damage.
“Astyanax.” She attempted conversation with the pirate. “You thought you could leave us behind? We just made a faster ship.”
She was close enough to monitor the state of every room and system. She tuned into the hallways where Caligher crept through (crept was a generous word for what he was doing), detecting the changes the pirate had made.
“Go right, not left,” she said to Caligher’s headset. “He filled the chamber above with some sort of… liquid.”
She didn’t want him getting acid-sprayed again.
“More soup,” Caligher grunted.
“The kind that eats you… Oh,shit. He’s on the move. He’s gotta gun!”
Caligher started laughing. This wasn’t a joking matter, which meant that she couldn’t shut the fuck up and he thought it was hilarious. “I’ll catch up with him,” he said.