Page 13 of Hot and Rowdy
We do the financial transaction, and I go back out onto the street and hop up on Monterrey.
He whinnies at me as he catches a whiff of the flowers. Like he’s judging me for being a bit too much of a try-hard with Cassie.
“Don’t you start with me. You know how I am. I don’t take half measures. When I set out to do something, I go all out.”
Another judgmental whinny.
“Maybe I should start just driving around town. The truck wouldn’t be giving me shit.”
My faithful steed takes off and heads toward the home of Debra and Jeffrey Michaels.
They’re newer in town, and don’t work in the area. I hear they just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and Burly is a damn good choice for that.
I haven’t met them yet, just heard about them. Monterrey walks up their driveway, and stands next to a four-door sedan that is a little out of place in this town. I slide off my horse, and give him his treat feedbag before heading in.
A man is standing at the door, gawking my way. “You brought a horse?”
“That a problem?”
“Uh... no, it’s just not what I expected.”
“I’m assuming you’re Jeffrey Michaels, Cassie’s uncle?”
He nods, and offers a hand. “That’s me, yes. You must be Cash Rowdy. I’ve heard about you Rowdys. You better behave, you know.”
“Only my best, sir.” The nice thing about a small town is that you get to know everyone. The bad thing about a small town is that you get to know everyone, and your reputation runs ahead of you.
“Is that a horse?” A woman pops up behind him, about a decade older than Cassie by the looks of it. Her eyes light up. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go horse riding, but I’ve never had the time.”
She steps out of the house and approaches Monterrey, who eyes her but behaves.
“Is... is it okay if I pet him?”
“Don’t pull on his hair, but if you’re gentle, Monterrey don’t give any shit about curious people. He’s used to the attention.”
She lights up and proceeds to stroke Monterrey’s mane. I guess I can tolerate him being judgmental if he has to put up with this sort of thing.
“I’ve been married to her for fifteen years and I love her to death, but never once has she mentioned that she’s a horse girl,” Jeffrey says, hands on his hips and watching his giddy wife petting Monterrey.
“What’s going on out here?” Cassie finally makes her appearance. She cocks an eyebrow at her aunt stroking my horse’s mane. “Uh, good evening, Cash.”
“Good evening, Cassie,” I say, presenting her with the bouquet of roses.
She turns as red as the flowers. “I have to say I wasn’t expecting this.”
“A rose for my rose? Something as sweet as you are?” I shrug. “You’re pretty and lovely. I’ve never been much of a poet, honestly.”
She giggles. “You more than got your point across, Cash. And I appreciate the lovely gift. I’m going to go find a vase for these so I can enjoy them as long as I possibly can.”
She ducks back inside, leaving me with her aunt and uncle again. Debra must have gotten her fill because she returns to her husband, who holds her close. “Your horse is beautiful,” she says.
“I try to treat ‘im well.”
“And you better treat Cassie well,” Jeffrey adds on.
“I will, sir. I don’t know why you think I wouldn’t.”
“The Rowdys got a reputation,” he says. “You go a bit overboard sometimes.”