Page 20 of Hot and Rowdy
I shake my head. “You forgot our conversation yesterday, didn’t you?”
“What do you mean?”
“About how I don’t hesitate. How I don’t take half measures. I do what I think is right and do it right then and there. That might be a bit too forward for some people, but I can’t deny how I feel, Cassie.”
“How do you feel, Cash?”
“I want everything from you. I want you as my girl. Girlfriend. Lover. Wife. And the mother of my children.”
Her eyes light up, and she doesn’t recoil from my words.
“I want a sweet little thing like you to be wed and bred, Cassie. And I don’t care if you know it right here and now, no matter how crazy it may seem.”
She takes a moment to consider my words. “Well, I guess I am good with kids, aren’t I?”
“Your experience being a nanny will transfer quite well to being a mother, yes.”
“I gotta admit what you’re proposing is kind of shocking, Cash.” She pauses, then shakes her head. She’s thinking hard, but her smile never fades. “But I can’t say you’re that far off the mark from how I’m feeling about this.”
“Then we got an understanding, don’t we?”
“Yeah. We do. An insane understanding about one another, about our insane love for one another.”
“That’s just how love is, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. That’s just how it is.”
We enjoy one another's presence. Our naked forms just wrapped around each other in bed, savoring this moment.
All the doubt I might have had is gone in this moment.
Cassidy Michaels is going to be my wife. She’s going to be the mother of my children.
She’s going to be mine forever.
Cash Rowdy is coming over for dinner tonight, and it’s making me nervous as hell.
I’m standing in front of my mirror going through my wardrobe, trying to pick the perfect outfit.
This is despite the infatuation and lust we’ve shown to one another. I could show up to dinner naked and he would be happy.
Okay, that’s an especially bad example. Maybe a burlap sack instead, considering we’re not dining alone tonight.
My aunt and uncle are home for the night, and Debra wants to do something special. She didn’t cook often, but she aspires to be the kind of mother who does, and she isn’t half bad at it. I secretly think I’m a better cook due to being more practiced, but she can still make some damn good fried chicken and mashed potatoes, and I’m not going to turn down a good meal like that.
I look at a tube top, considering if it’s too cold out to wear it. Maybe I should have tried that new custom fashion place I heard about over in Home. Too late now, given Cash is due in fifteen minutes or so.
After I settle on a nice blue blouse and a denim skirt to get into the cowboy spirit, I settle into my next dilemma.
How I should do my hair and make-up.
Why is this so hard? It’s not like I’m trying to impress him. I already have him. The way he looks at me makes me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet, but I still want to look so damn good for him.
After I overcome my crippling indecision, I head downstairs, the house filled with the sweet smells of fried chicken. Debra overdid the spices a tad, but damn it smells good.