Page 24 of Hot and Rowdy
“No problem, Aunt Cassie. Besides, you’re helping me buy my new t-shirts, how can I say no?” I slip her some money now and again for her help babysitting and the like. She’s got quite a way with kids. I guess good habits and kindness spread through the generations.
We clamored around, eating dinner. Dolly and I made a dessert of berry pies and vanilla ice cream, and everyone is well fed and a little bit sugar-rushed. Zoe heads to the living room and opens up some board games to play with the kids. This leaves me and Cash some time alone.
Something that we have learned is oh so valuable.
Don’t get us wrong, we love the kids. They are our life and we’d give everything for them.
But we are also adults who are still massively in love. And there are things we want to do that would be inappropriate in the presence of children.
With them in the care of a loving family member, Cash and I share a knowing glance and retreat to our bedroom.
Cash kicks off his boots, and I let out a groan, stretching myself out after a long day.
“Wyler definitely looks like he’s got the makings of a jockey. Or a professional bull rider,” Cash says. “He’s such a natural when riding horses and he’s only seven.”
“He does seem to love them more than the rest of our kids,” I reply. I let out a long sigh. “I’m going to hop into the shower, I need a little refreshing before we do anything else, Cash.”
“Sounds good to me.”
I head into the bathroom, get the water running and strip down. I need a good shower to wash the sweat of the kitchen away and to come to my lover smelling clean and natural. That seems like the perfect way to close out the night.
I step into the shower and let the water wash over me, letting all the roughness of the day wash away from me. The little creature comforts of life bring me such joy.
I don’t expect to be alone though. Not for long.
The bathroom door cracks open and he comes in wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. He won’t even be wearing that for too much longer, shuffling them down his legs and approaching me with his cock already hard and pounding.
Sure, I liked the image of being all clean and shiny before approaching him and letting him make me all sweaty and dirty again.
But Cash? He doesn’t care about that. And he has ways of making sure I don’t care about it all that strongly either.
Just one hand on my hip is enough to make me not care.
Running over my form, across my abdomen. “Our kids are exhausting. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, beautiful.”
“Then I guess it doesn’t worry you that today I found out we have another on the way.”
He chuckles. “Don’t know when to stop, do we? Number seven, are you ready for that?”
“Aren’t big families something that runs through the Rowdys and the Roughs? We’re just fitting in.”
“They do, but sometimes I don’t know how I’ll deal with another one. I know we'll find a way. I know I’ll love them with all my heart. And that you will too. But I can’t deny that it’s always a bit intimidating when we get started with the whole thing again.”
“That’s what being a man is to you, right? You love and protect those you hold dear.”
“Absolutely, babe. It’s also about making sure your loved ones have the time of their lives. Which is why I’m here, isn’t it?” He laughs, his embrace of me growing tighter.
I have a feeling we could be on our twenty-seventh child, and we’d still be at this. He’s a man to rise to the challenge, and the man who’s always there for me. And who’s always ready to please me.
And damn if he doesn’t remind me by touching my clit. All this time spent learning my body and how to make me writhe and yearn for him. His cock rubs against my backside, always hard for me, always ready to please.
We kiss again because we can’t get enough of one another. Because we yearn to be closer, and need one another the most two people could ever hope to need each other.
He can’t wait any longer. As the hot water falls down on us, he brings his cock behind me, and slides it right in, and the powerful shuddering and delight that comes through me is sudden and undeniable. I grind against him, encouraging him to take me faster. To take me harder.
“Every time I saw you smile through the window I wanted to come in and do this to you today, beautiful. You’re lucky I got the patience of a saint.”
More laughing. I’m overjoyed to have him. To have everything.
Ten years going, and this is going to continue for a hundred if life will let us.
A woman can only hope to have all these things, but I know that no matter what happens, I’ll have my cowboy at my side.