Page 10 of Wicked
I watch as people dance around the place, drinking and snorting. It becomes painfully obvious how much Poppy has hadto drink, so around the three-hour mark, I take her by the hand and pull her to her feet. “I’m going.”
Betty flicks the rolled up hundred-dollar bill at me, wriggling her ass on her take-home for the night. “Oh, come on, Rubs. Have fun!”
“I’m taking her home. You coming or not?”
Betty shakes her head slowly, and even though I already knew she was staying behind, I wanted to triple-check.
“Betty…” I know no one will hurt her here, mainly because they all know she is practically my sister and well… everyone knows who my dad is. “Are. You. Sure?”
Peter, the guy she is currently sitting on, waves me off. “Come on, Rubs. You know I’ve got her.”
I smile down at him sweetly.You better.
Tucking Poppy beneath my arm, I start directing her out of the house and through the same way we came. Finding Oscar near my car, I rub my finger and thumb together to gesture my keys and he tosses them at me just as a loud Harley guns it down the street, slowing to a stop behind Oscar’s car. When his long body rolls off the bike, I unlock my car and push the button to open the doors.
Wicked looks straight past me and brings his hands to his sister’s face, forcing her up to look at him. “How much has she had to drink?”
“A bit…” I admit, tossing my keys into the car.
“And you?” When he turns around to face me, I feel my heart speed up in my chest.
“Um, none since being here. Once I realized how much she had, I stopped.”
He drags his eyes away from me and carefully puts her into the back seat of the car, pushing the button for my door.
Oscar looks between Wicked and me before backing up slowly and slipping back into his car. Now it’s just he and I, and—I expect his anger.
“First, she’s fourteen, so I don’t know what kind of shit she has told you.”
My mouth falls open as I’m sure shock sprawls over my face.
“Second”—he slams my door closed so she can’t hear—“why the fuck didn’t you run this past me before taking her?” His chest is a whisper from mine and the goose bumps that prickle on my arms have nothing to do with the temperature of the air.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know she was young. I thought she was my age.” I fold my arms in front of me and his eyes fall down to the movement before following down past my thighs and back up to my face. I feel his eyes move over my exposed flesh like hot laser beams.
His head tilts to the side and the moonlight bounces off his sharp jaw. “Did she tell you anything?”
I run my tongue over my bottom lip, tucking my hair behind my ear. Doing all of the things I do when I’m trying to distract myself or—well, it has never happened yet—find someone attractive. Which I do. I think Wicked is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. “A little bit.”
“And have you told her anything?”
My eyes come to his, and the way he looks at me is as though he can see right through my soul. “A little bit…”
I quickly spin around and fall back slightly against Wicked’s chest. He doesn’t shift his weight. “What’s up?” I yell out to Jackson Paul as he trots his way down to my car.
He flings his shirt over his shoulder, his eyes drifting over mine and landing on Wicked. His smile disappears. “You good?”
“I’m fine, Jackson…” Jackson has had a crush on me all his life, but he’s respectful in a way that he’s allowed us to maintain a friendship.
“Who’s this?” He flicks his finger toward Wicked. “He coming in, or is he the reason little Miss Ruby La Rosa is leaving the party early…” Jackson hooks his arm around my neck to pull me into his chest, only Wicked catches my dress and yanks me back carefully.
I remove Jackson’s arm. “He’s a friend of my father’s, Jackson…”
His face instantly falls. His eyes widen before he flashes Wicked a wide smile. “Oh, hey, man. You wanna come in?”