Page 59 of Wicked
“Ahh…” Jade grabs her by the arm.
I shake my head at Jade before going back to Sloane. “It’s just amusing to me that you think you’re seeing him.”
“Why?” Sloane whips her head back, clearly offended. “I get you have the whole badass, sexy vixen, mafia bitch thing going on, but I have been sleeping with him for years now.”
“Umm—” Poppy interferes, but I shake my head slightly at her.
“It’s amusing, Sloane, because I’ll tell you why.”
“Oh God,” Poppy murmurs in tune with Betty.
I lower my drink to the counter, resting my eyes on Sloane. I want to watch her squirm when the words leave my mouth. “When you have his attention, and I mean all of it, you’ll know,because with Wicked, he needs to own you. All of you. Every animalistic tendency that man has comes out to play when he’s fucking you. He fucks you to own you, not tosleepwith you.” I pause when I notice her mouth slightly part. “That’s how I know. You may think you own him, honey, but he takes no ownership of you, and judging by the fact that you have not one single bruise on your body, or scar, or even marks around your throat, that tells me that not only does he not claim you—” I feel a pang of guilt when her eyes fall to the counter. “But neither does the monster that lives inside of him. The monsterIknow.”
Silence falls around us and I look to Jade whose lips are curled behind her teeth.
Sloane grabs the glass that I filled for her, shooting it back. I wait for her to answer, and how she answers is going to tell me whether or not either of us can move on. “I already knew.”
Jade sighs, her shoulders relaxing.
“God, I don’t know. I just—I got caught up. I am caught up—” Her eyes catch mine. “I’m not blind or stupid. I see what you both have, but make no mistake, I owe you no loyalty. If that man grabs me and wants to use me to get you jealous, I’ll fall to him straight away.”
I hold her stare, my brows slightly raised. Minus two points in my book for self-respect. “And I need you to know that you admitting that to me just now means that I won’t get jealous.”
“Also, I’m sorry! But, bitch, she is hisonlyone!” Betty pops off. “You may not have known us back then, but there is no one else but her and Wicked. Wicked and Ruby. You’re deluded! And also!” Betty snaps, as if just remembering. “The mother of his fucking kid! The greatest kid!”
Sloane shrugs. “Still doesn’t change my mind.”
“Sloane,” Jade warns, but Sloane already has her hand in her pocket, grabbing a bag filled with white powder. Jade looksbetween the bag and me. I don’t care so long as it’s away from my kid and it comes nowhere near my nose.
Poppy takes the rolled-up bill from Sloane. “What?” Poppy glares at me. “It’s just coke.”
“No, Poppy…”
Poppy widens her eyes at me, a small smile on her little mouth. “You just spoke about my brother’s sex in front of me. This is for my trauma.”
“Oh God.” I flick the lid off the bottle of 42, gazing up at Betty briefly. Her mouth is in a flat line, her brow arched high. I know that look. By the time this night is over, Betty’s fist is going to be in Sloane’s face.
“You want a bump?” Sloane stares up at me with the rolled bill up her nose.
“No thanks.” I take in her outfit before resting back on her face. “I know where it comes from.”
“Show me your house, girl!” Jade jumps up from the barstool, her arm hooking in mine. I walk us through to the lounge before taking her straight for the stairs that lead up to the master. As soon as we’re far enough away, Jade squeezes my arm.
“I am so sorry about her.”
“Don’t be. If I had to apologize every time Betty did something shady, I’d never stop apologizing.” I laugh, leading her through the master room. A floating bed is in the middle of the room, a mirror ceiling at the top. The bathroom is tucked to the back, and the whole front of the room is glass. There’s a sliding door that leads out to the patio that opens out and overlooks the busy city streets.
Sliding open the door, I walk out to the patio, brushing my hair away from the strong winds. “You know, I’ve known Wicked a long time,” Jade murmurs from behind me, and when I turn slightly over my shoulder, I catch her leaning on the threshold to the door. I don’t bother to tell her that I’ve known him longer.That whatever she thinks she knows about him is nothing compared to who he really is. How dark and twisted his morals were when he first met me, and the games he played to get to me. “He has always been quiet. Somewhat distant to what the others were like.” She pushes off the door and joins me on the patio. I look out to the hotel opposite us, noticing the lights at the very top flickering on.
“But I’ve never seen him the way he is with you.”
I chuckle, my thumb drawing circles on my forearm to distract myself from the memories. “That’s nothing compared to what he used to be like. And I don’t just mean that in a good way.”
“Hey!” Poppy interrupts from behind. Before Wolf, she was probably the only thing Wicked and I agreed on. “Shall we go?”
“Nope.” I make my way back through my room and down the stairs. I can feel Poppy hot on my tail, but it’s not until I’m back in the kitchen that I finally turn to face her.
“I thought we were going out!”