Page 9 of Boneyard Tides
I wrap my fingers around the cup he’s holding, swallowing it in one go. “I’m fine.”
Cooper drags me behind him as we make our way to the other side of the party. Now that I know it’s Dion’s, I don’t want to leave.
“Actually,” I say, tiptoeing up and leaning into Cooper’s ear. “I’m going to leave.”
My eyes drift back to Dion just as he whispers something to one of the guys sitting beside him, his eyes remaining fixated on me. Fear prickles down the base of my spine and I know that I need to get out of here. I know that I shouldn’t be here, because as much as I want to let loose for once in my life, this isn’t how I want to do it.
I hadn’t forgotten everything. I knew in the back of my mind that I was treading on dangerous territory. Dangerous because I could accidentally fall and kill him. Did I want to? Sure. Would I? Undecided.
The party had mellowed out, but I was in the same spot. I moved from one side to the other continuously but kept my attention on him. I needed to get them to understand, right? To see me for me. At least, I’d start with him. Just him.
His eyes drifted up as he was lost in talk with another girl beside him. We connected for the briefest moment, and in that moment, I felt time stand still. Did he know? I wasn’t sure. I turned back around to find another drink. The ship was set up as a bar, we all knew it here in Hades Hollow. We all knew that this was the bar to be at. The one with lanterns, pirates, and unlimited rum.
I felt his eyes on my bare back as I wrapped my fingers around the glass. I chose this dress in particular. I knew it would do as it was supposed to.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was low enough for just me to hear and close enough to feel against the nape of my neck.
I turned to face him slowly, ignoring the movements around us. I cast glances around the place out of habit. Were people watching? Was he watching? Maybe. Maybe he was, and this was all a bad idea.
“I need to talk.”
Ibelly flop onto my bed, pulling the hair ties out of my long braids. Dion fucking Quinn is back in Hades Hollow, and now I don’t know how to navigate my way around town without bumping into him. Not only is he back, but he bought a house right on the water—where I surf. I don’t want to find a new spot. That has been my surf link for as long as I started, and I won’t be letting Dion take that from me too.
I roll over onto my back, tossing my phone onto my nightstand before making my way into the bathroom that’s adjacent to my room. My bed’s pressed up to the wall beside the bay window, where neutral-color cushions splay out.
After I scrubbed through the shower, my phone lights up on the nightstand, and I reach for it, opening the new message.
You have been invited to participate in The Game. Reply Yes to accept or No to decline.
My heart races in my chest as my thumb hovers over my keyboard. This was what I wanted, right? I wanted to know about this stupid game that people have spoken about—but now that I’m here, am I that curious? Cooper made it seem like a bad thing when I asked about it. How bad could it be?
You have fifteen minutes to be ready and waiting outside your home. A car will be waiting for you at the curb. The access code is your name in numerals. The address is punched into the navigation system. Follow the directions and await further instructions. Oh, and Shiloh? Leave your phone at home.
I blink at the final words. The rest of it sounded automated, but the last part sounded personal. Who is this, and how do they know that it’s me?
I scan my bedroom. It would be stupid to not take my phone, considering I don’t know what this game entails. And I am never one for rules…so I swipe my finger over the home screen and turn my phone to airplane mode. At least I have something if I need help. I make my way into my closet and rip down a pastel blue oversized hoodie and quickly rebraid my hair into a fishtail before slipping on my Chucks. I’ve just finished tying them up my leg when I snatch my phone off my bed and check the timer.
Two minutes.
Mom would be gone. I don’t want to linger on the intrusive thoughts too long before I start crying. No. I need a distraction, and this is perfect.
I shove my phone into my front pocket and then pause. They might check. Grabbing it, I push my hands beneath my hoodie and slide it into my bra.
I hurry down the stairs, swiping the spare house key on the dining table before dipping out the door, locking it on the way out. The fresh air whips me across the face, and I inhale the faint scent of salt water. We’re not directly on the ocean, but we’re close enough that our backyard is mainly sand.
The dimly lit path leads me to a parked car on the curb. The gloss black Porsche glistens against the moonlight, and I turn from left to right to see if I’m seeing it correctly. There’s no way they use a Porsche for whatever this game is. Running the tip of my finger over the handle, I punch in the numbers to my name and the door pops open. Jumping back, I grip the edge before sliding into the driver’s seat. It smells of brand-new leather and freshly upholstered seats. Whose fucking car was this? I grip the steering wheel tightly, pushing the button to the side. The engine rumbles to life beneath my ass and an LED screen lights up on the dash.
“Good evening, Shiloh,” a woman’s voice beckons through the car speakers, and I pump in the clutch, resting my hand on the gearshift. “Please follow the directions on the screen until you reach your destination.”
I watch as a map pops up and a bright green strip lines down the road. I put the car in first and follow the directions. I pass our school, the town lights, and the corner convenience store, before it flashes off, directing me onto the highway. This could be the dumbest thing I have ever done. And I don’t do a lot of stupid shit. I’m not reckless. I stick to myself and the small group of friends I have, which honestly goes as far as Cooper—Ruin doesn’t count—and I keep fairly close within my bubble.
The little timer flashes in the corner of the map. Five minutes until we’re there. Weird. I know every inch of Hades Hollow, and I don’t know if there’s anything around where this map is taking me. I follow the path down a long gravel road, stopping outside wired gates where two large trees tower over them. Archways stretch up to the dark night with pointed talons before descending and twisting around the iron-like overgrown ivy. A light on each side flickers, and the trees that line the other side of the driveway curve over to touch each other. I don’t think it is that windy tonight, considering I have every plan to hit the waves tomorrow, but the way the trees twist against one another behind the silence of the car sends alarm bells ringing inside my head.
What am I supposed to do now? I reach for the screen, pressing the button that is shaped like a house before movement catches my eye outside and the gates start parting.