Page 13 of Hostile Takeover
Whenmoremoney unlocked.
Money that would’ve made his supposed concerns obsolete.
It maybe would’ve hurt, but if we’d split the costs, Soren and I could’ve handled whatNectarwas facing. We were far from a billion dollar business likeStellar Foods, where the stakes were much higher.
But instead of simply waiting, my father had taken a risk with the potential to ruin us.
Which… I might believe was the whole point, if William Stark wasn’t too fucking arrogant to believe he’d ever lose.
Hell, he hadn’t even “lost” now, becauseNectarwas too important to me to letitfail. And as much as this thought made my ass itch… I was, in the most twisted of manners,somewhat…grateful.
To Orion.
Because really, he could’ve just snatched our legacy from us and walking off laughing, and what would we have been able to do about it?
Not a damn thing.
Could Nectarrebuild and move and regrow and all that?
Yes and no.
All the reasons Orion andStellar Foodswanted that building, in that location, would apply to us as well. Where would we get another prime location like this in Blackwood? Nobody who understood what they had was selling,besidesthe fact that huge spaces like what we’d need were few and far-between.
Even if we did luck up on something big enough, the renovations would suck our coffers dry, during a time when there wasn’t any revenue coming in.
From scratch?!
We may as well just hang it up.
Nothing else would make sense.
Which made this situation all the more frustrating. There was precious little I hated more than feeling like my damn hands were tied.
On the way back to my room, my phone started ringing, prompting me to put a little pep in my unhurried steps, trying to catch it before the call ended. A quick glance at the screen told me it was my good friend Morgan, who I was supposed to be meeting for a breakfast date a bit later in the morning.
I halfway hoped it was to cancel.
I had so much on my mind that I’d rather have a smoothie in my office while I pored overNectar’sbooks.
Finalized the holiday events happening over the next few weeks.
Tried my best not to have a mental breakdown.
You know, the usual.
“This is your reminder call,” were the first words out of her mouth once I’d answered. The amusement in her tone made me grin as I took a seat on the side of the bed. “Since you’re a busybody these days and so damn hard to pin down.”
“The busybody has gotten even busier,” I replied. An answer that earned a deep sigh from the other end of the line. “But…I will still show up toHoneybeefor my chicken and waffles.”
“Bitch you’dbetter.” She laughed. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to get you and Alexis to agree to the same time?”
“So it’s my fault that empires don’t just build themselves?” I teased.
As much heat as they could give me for being busy, I could send it all right back. Morgan was imperative in her family’s business too, and Alexis was one of the most influential women in Blackwood’s finance industry.
Allof our schedules were hell.