Page 132 of Hostile Takeover
My brow furrowed. “What?”
Even as the question left my lips, my brain went into overdrive processing the information, making me doubt myself.
Because…did Iknow that?
I suspected Soren wasn’t William’s but didn’t know for certain. I’d just heard a whisper or two in passing and knew the two men didn’t favor each other. Neither of which was evidence, just enough ammunition for a dig.
But if SorenwasStanford’s son… it made a lot of shit make a lot of sense.
And when I pulledthosetwo faces to my mind… the resemblance was wild.
Not enough that it was obvious to just anybody, but once my mind went there… it was obvious.
“I have a meeting with him about theNectarexpansion in a few days, and… I’m going to ask him,” Nalani explained. “But I already know some things, know that he had a relationship with my mother,beforemy father did. And I know they were all friends, with your parents. The friend group fractured, but Stanford stayed close with your father. Is this something you ever heard mentioned?”
I shook my head. “Never,” I assured her. “It didn’t really cross my mind to think about, honestly, but…shit.It all fits. Actually… I remember speaking to Stan about purchasing theNectarproperty, back when I caught wind of it being available. He’s always been a‘take the high ground’type, so I expected him to tell me to leave it alone, to not continue a grudge like that. But he didn’t, which I thought was… different. I offered him to come in on it with me, but he wouldn’t dothat.Said that if he went near it, William might catch on.”
“Interesting.” Nalani nodded. “Can you… not say anything to him about this before I do?”
I nodded. “Of course I can honor that. Do you want me there with you when you talk to him?”
“No.” She shook her head. “I think I can handle it. I just have to know what’s going on. For myself, and for Soren.”
“Understandable,” I agreed. “Does Soren know any of this yet?”
“I don’t believe so. I mean, William hinted at it, but stopped short of telling us anything real. Just to be cruel. I’m not even sure he’snotresponsible for my mother’s death,” she admitted. “No, he didn’t give her cancer, but… that’s really all the credit I can give him. I don’t remember him ever being outrightterribleto Soren growing up, but he was also… distant. There was a relationship there becausewemade it so, you know?” she asked and I nodded. “I thought it was just how it was, but as more and more comes out, I realize that he is, and has always been, a narcissist. He’s never cared about anyone but himself.”
“And he’s a safety concern,” I reminded her. “For you, for your brother… he sent EJ to harass you.”
She blew out a sigh. “Yeah. I was trying not to even get intothatpart, but… you’re right. And the crazy thing is, as much as I would’ve told you I loved my father… even a year ago… I don’t know him anymore. He’s a stranger. And he made it that way.”
That was exactly the sentiment I needed to hear to alleviate any guilt I might feel about putting the Blacks on his ass.
Sure, people were complicated.
I understood that.
What Ididn’tunderstand was a parent alienating their children in the way William had; parentage aside, he’d raised them.
There was a responsibility there.
And I had zero sympathy for men who usurped that.
“Well, enough about my daddy issues,” Nalani said, trying to shake it off, but I could see the clear pain in her eyes. As much as she might want to, she didn’t feelnothingfor William.
He’d hurt her.
Which was something I couldn’t abide.
“No such thing,” I told her, reaching across the table to grab her hand. “I’ve got nothing better to do than listening if you need to talk.”
She gave me a little smile. “I appreciate that, but I’d much rather pour my energy back into work, so we can get into this trip. You said the sooner the better, right?”
“I did,” I agreed, squeezing her hand. “Anything for my wife.”