Page 136 of Hostile Takeover
Soren’s hand was already out before he must’ve finally made some connection, his brow dropping to a furrowed state as he looked into a face that drastically mirrored his.
Instead of saying anything to Stanford, he looked atme.
“Nala… what the fuck is this?”
What am I supposed to say?
This wasn’t my mess, and I had no answer for it. I didn’t know where to start.
Instead of leaving it to me though, Stanford clapped Soren on the shoulder, pulling the attention back to him.
“You’ve got an office here, right? You’re Head of Tech, right?” he asked and Soren nodded.
“Uh… yeah.”
“Okay. I think we need to talk,” Stanford told him. “Let’s leave your sister to her work and have our conversation there.”
Soren glanced at me again, and I nodded, assuring him it was fine. It wasn’t until then that he gave his own affirmative nod to Stanford and they headed off.
As much as I would’ve loved to be privy to their conversation… this was right.
I watched them leave and then, to distract myself from what might be happening with them, I dug into my mother’s computer.
Instead of looking for anything that was necessarily about her private life, I decided to think like a man who was willing to accept harm to his daughter to get this device back into his hands.
What, exactly, would he not want to get out?
It occurred to me almost immediately that it was probably documents related to my mother’s estate. Soren and I had gotten trusts worth good money, but the bulk of her estate, and the business more notably, had all gone to William.
It never felt quite right to me.
And I didn’t have to dig very far to discover the truth.
The amendments to the will, the insurance, all of those documents, they stripped William of everything she could, putting the power in the hands of her children. Drafted just before she died, but not notarized or filed.
The last correspondence in her email was from her private lawyer, telling her that once she got everything in her hands, she could file it, and it would be done.
She never got the chance.
Because of William.
Did Iwantto believe that was the case?
Of course not.
And he’d all but denied it to my face.
But clearly the man was a liar and manipulator to a disgusting degree and so there was no reason to believe what left his mouth.
Andeveryreason to believe the evidence in front of me.
Not only had he stolen our legacy, he’d tried to destroy it, to get back at our mother. I wanted to feel some degree of sympathy for him about the infidelity, but knowing that he’d manipulated the relationship, that he was this abusive narcissist, I just…couldn’t.
It was too much to deal with.
And adding the thought that he’d possibly exacerbated her illness or maybe even outright killed her to get what he wanted… I just…couldn’t.
And luckily, didn’t have to.