Page 23 of Hostile Takeover
I… felt like I should be warning someone.
All around us, people were milling about, going on with their business, eating, laughing, having a joyous time as if there weren’t two short-fused bombs smack in our midst.
My head snapped back to them at the sound of my name. EJ had spoken it. Barely constrained rage hid behind his eyes as he posed a question.
A serious one, this time.
“This really your nigga?” he asked.
Immediately, I looked at Orion.
Outwardly, he was cool,frustratinglyso.
He looked downrightbored.
Meanwhile, he was wearing the same scarcely controlled wrath as EJ, simmering just beneath the surface.
I wasn’t sure if it would help or hinder the peace, but I told the unfortunate, contractual truth.
I could practicallyfeelthe furious heat coming off EJ.
“Out of the respect I have for you and your Pops… I’ma walk away.Onlybecause of that,” EJ said.
A snort of laughter broke from Orion. “Whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel good about it.”
“Orion,please,” I snapped, quickly stepping into the minimal space between him and EJ, even as EJ stepped back.
“Orion?” EJ repeated, giving me a quizzical look.
“Yes?” Orion trilled, so damn obnoxious that I tossed a glare behind me.
“Nothing,” EJ grunted, turning around to walk away without another word. Surprising, but relieving. When I turned back to Orion, he was wearing that frustrating smirk again.
“I think he might be regretting his tone,” he said, and I shook my head.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” I whisper-yelled. “EJ is fucking dangerous, are you crazy?”
“You think I should be scared of him?”
“I think he’s not somebody to get under the skin of.”
“Why do you think that?” Orion asked, frowning. “Oh, it seems you’re quite familiar with his…skin, and vice versa.”
“I’mnottalking about that.”
“Let’s talk about him being all over you in front of all these people though.”
I let out a huff. “So this is about your ego then?”
“Yes,” he admitted, with a deep sigh as if he were relieved I finally “got it.” “Everything about me is prominent. Get used to it,wifey.”
“Don’t call me that,” I countered. “I’m not wearing your ring yet.”
He smiled.