Page 29 of Hostile Takeover
“Orion, baby you’ve gotta eat something…”
Bree’s voice in my ear caught me off guard, her tits already pressing into my shoulder as she leaned around me to pick up my fork.
It was so damn ludicrous she had the fork filled with food and halfway to my mouth before I could react by shoving it away, turning to glare.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop this shit?” I huffed, but she hadn’t moved away.
“I’m just trying to take care of you, like—”
“Get the fuck out of my face.”
“Orion,language.” A different female voice came across the table, wiping all the ire from my face. I shot another warning frown at Bree before giving my attention to the most important person in my life—my father’s mother, my Grandma Calli.
“Yes ma’am,” I nodded, sincerely feeling bad for snapping in front of her. She never had played that shit and still didn’t now. Age was the only reason she hadn’t gone upside my head.
“Lil’ girl, get your butt in your seat,” she demanded of Bree, who opened her mouth to argue instead of simply following directions. “Remember whose house you’re in right now.”
Thatshut her up.
Around the table, Ares and Titan snickered as she sulked back to her own plate. Right on cue, Ms. Wallace, the house manager, breezed through the door carrying a platter of dessert plates, each loaded with a slice of my grandmother’s pecan pie, one of the extras from Christmas.
“You’ve been quiet all through dinner,” Grandma Calli spoke up, quickly thanking Ms. Wallace before she gave her attention back to me. “What’s going on with you?”
“Yeah, Ri, what’s going on with you?” Titan chimed, his smug expression ringing the annoyance bell in my mind.
His ass knew good and well what wasgoing on.
“Bailing you out of jail ’cause they’re tired of doing you favors?” I countered, making his eyes go wide.
“It was just a little harmless bar fight, nothing to worry about,” he told Granny, and I snorted.
“As many stitches as you’re reimbursing the other guy for, I think it was more than aharmless bar fight.”
“Orion got engaged.”
“Really?!” I barked at Titan.
He shrugged and started digging into his pie as the heat from Grandma Calli’s stare burned into the side of my head.
“Ri, I didn’t know you were seeing anybody,” Bree said in an accusing tone she truly had no business using with me.
I didn’t even bother responding. I met my granny’s gaze with a sigh. “I was going to let you know,” I assured her. “In a better way than this.”
She raised an eyebrow. “This way is just fine. Who is she? Surely not that Jessica girl…”
“Absolutelynot,” I said, shaking my head. “No, it’s… Nalani Stark.”
Surprise registered on her face first, replaced by a slow smile. “That’s a lovely young woman, from what I’ve observed. Her mother was quite a delight as well. How the hell you get her to say yes to your mean ass?”
Ares and Titan didn’t even bother to stifle laughs.
“I bet it’s to spite that damn daddy of hers, isn’t it?” Grandma Calli added, shaking her head. “I never could stand him, even when he used to run around with Cas.”
Cas beingCaspian, my father.
More than anything, the prior friendship between him and William Stark was an unfortunate coincidence as it related to my imminent contract with Nalani.