Page 8 of Hostile Takeover
Instead of speaking up, the sisters waited for me to do it, neither of them speaking until it was clear I was still hesitant to put the decision somewhere other than my mind.
“What’s it gonna be, Nala?” Demetria asked, nudging my knee with her hand. “What’s the verdict?”
I closed my eyes, pushing out a slow breath before I finally met her gaze. “I guess… I’m going to have to go dress shopping.”
“So,I know the answer to this already, but I haveto ask. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
I looked up from my computer to smirk at Shiloh at the doorway of my office. She was right, shedidalready know the answer.
I sat back in my chair, saying nothing, just waiting for her to expand on what she was thinking.
“You don’t think it’s presumptuous to set up your ‘fiancée’s’ accounts?” she asked, eyebrow raised.
“Is it presumptuous or confident?” I countered.
She rolled her eyes. “Arrogantis the word I’d use, if we’re being completely frank.”
“Which you can always be, so I’m not sure why you tried to come in with a soft touch anyway. Your ass is mean about everything else.”
“I’m notmean,” she argued, fully stepping into my office now. “It’s called being straightforward.”
“So keep that energy now, and make your point, Shi.” I shifted my gaze back to the figures clouding my screen. “Otherwise, I’ve got shit to do.”
“Fine. I don’t think it’s wise to move as if Nalani Stark isfor suregoing to say yes to this…arrangementof yours,” she explained. “You’re treating this as if she has no options, when shedoes.”
“She has multiple options, yes, but only onesmartone,” I argued. “She’d be stupidnotto take my offer and you know what sheisn’t?”
“Stupid,” Shiloh answered, and I nodded.
She absolutely wasnot.
As clear as it was that I hadn’t been on her radar, she’d certainly been on mine and I was far from alone. At this tax bracket, yes, there was an abundance of available women who checked certain boxes and everybody had their own winning combinations among the crowd.
Finewas easy.
Smartand fine?
A little harder.
Wealthy,smart, and fine?
A gem.
Wealthy, smart, fine, and ambitious?
Quite a rare find.
Wealthy, smart, fine, ambitious, slick at the mouth, thighs bigger than my head and an ass to match?
A fuckingunicorn.
“You don’t think she’ll turn you down purely out of spite?” Shiloh asked, breaking through my thoughts with a possibility I’d definitely considered, but chosen not to entertain, because —
“She will not let spite overrule preserving her mother’s legacy.” I shook my head.