Page 83 of Hostile Takeover
“That’s the same thing your wife was in here fussing about, about an hour ago. At least she brought tea.”
“Oh so she was behind this?” I chuckled.
Ms. Wallace nodded. “And in her defense, we supplied our own liquor.”
“Why am I not even a little surprised by that? Seriously though, what are you doing up? You all right?” I asked Calli.
“Oh just these old bones getting a little achy on me. Nothing outside the norm with all these pills and shit they got me on.”
“Including one to help you sleep, right?” I asked.
“Why would I take a pill to help me sleep when a good finger or two of dark liquor ain’t never steered me wrong?”
“Maybe not, but the interactions with the other medications…”
Thinking about that had me ready to backtrack on my earlier decision not to say anything about the alcohol. The last thing I needed happening tonight was a medical emergency because bourbon didn’t exactly mix with one of her pills.
“We looked it all up, it’s fine. Long as I just drink a little.”
Eyebrow raised, I pulled the cup from Calli’s hand against her protest and took a sip.
It didn’t taste like there was more than a splash of liquor in it.
“We’re old biddies,” Ms. Wallace explained. “Shaky hands. I spilled a bottle a bit, that’s why it smells so strong.”
“Okay,” I said, handing the cup back. “I still need y’all to be real mindful and real careful though,” I said. “And again, get some rest.”
“Yes Papa,” Calli told me in a dry tone before she reached out to grab me by the head. The movement wasn’t as smooth as it used to be, but the love was there all the same as she pulled me into her to plant a kiss against my temple.
“You get on out of here let us grown women talk,” she said when she released me.
“Y’all ain’t talking about shit.” I laughed as I stood.
“And whose business is that either way?” Calli countered, always with the snappy comebacks.
Once that stopped, that was when I’d really get worried.
In the meantime, I left her and Ms. Wallace to their tea and moved on, to my room. I looked past my door to Nalani’s, no light on there. After the emotional chaos that the day had been, I didn't feel a need to disturb her rest.
I went into my room, where I was immediately struck by the feeling of something different. The energy was off. Well not off, just… different .
A quick glance around the room gave me an immediate answer on what had changed.
Instead of being in her own bed, Nalani had taken up residence in mine.
I glanced around again, searching for some evidence that I wasn’t being set up.
Set up for what? Who knew?
But finding Nalani in my bed was an anomaly. I moved closer to where she lay, staying quiet so it wouldn’t wake her. The lights were off, but the blinds were open, casting moonlight across her pretty ass face.
The covers on my bed were half on her and half off, showcasing soft-looking pajamas that clung to her curves, sexy without trying to be. I was just about to move on, to finally get in the shower, when her eyes popped open, keeping me frozen in place as she peered around, then met my gaze.
“What are you doing?” she asked, her tone thick with sleep as she stifled a yawn.
“Trying to figure out what you’re doing,” I tossed back, taking a seat at the end of the bed. “You do know where you are, right?”