Page 61 of Expose Me
“Hurry.” Zey looked out the little window next to the door.
“Where to?” the crone asked.
“Cairo. How much?”
“Fae hair. Twenty strands.”
Shit. I only had three in my possession. I had all kinds of spells and potions—some rare, most pretty common—the kind of things used for day-to-day living expenses. But a witch had no use for these things when she could make them herself. I had several vials of shifter blood, a couple of angel feathers, and only three strands of fae hair.
I offered her all I had.
She shook her head. “All common enough in this area, but not many fae here. I need the strands or no portal.”
“They’re closing in,” Zey reminded me unhelpfully.
“Is there nothing else you need? Please. There must be something outside the common trade items.” I wasn’t above begging in a life-or-death situation.
“Nothing you have, I assure you,” she scoffed.
“Try me!” I must’ve looked crazed, imploring her to just fucking work with me here.
“The only other thing I have in short supply isngaratngat.” She reached into a basket sitting on the table behind her and pulled out a dark red, withered piece of what looked like bark. “Hard to get. Only grows in the Philippines. Very expensive. One whole dried petal for a portal.” She said it with tight smile, like that was the end of that and we should leave now.
“Done,” I said, and she chuckled in disbelief. I didn’t have the luxury of asking for permission, so I just reached out and grabbed the shriveled plant. With the energetic signature in my palm and a location already in mind, I sent my ribbons out with urgency. They did my bidding as usual, and I avoided some of the closer specimens, not willing to steal something that was clearly expensive. Instead, I focused on the Philippines, and my power quickly found the plant in the wilderness and wrapped itself around it tightly. Ipulled.
An entire flower appeared in my arms. I was in a rush and didn’t have the time to concentrate on summoning only a single petal. But I kind of wished I had. The thing was huge and heavy, and I needed both arms to keep it from flopping onto the ground.
“Portal! Now!” I barked as I set the weird red plant on the table.
The witch snapped out of her shock and quickly got to work. She was clearly powerful and highly skilled. I’d never seen someone conjure a magic basin so fast. Her lips moved rapidly as she muttered the spell, and I grabbed my knife in preparation for the sacrifice.
The witch glanced up and nodded that she was ready.
Zey’s hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me from cutting myself. “I will provide the sacrifice.”
“Zey, we don’t even know if—”
He cut me off by shifting his head into its original faceless form andreaching his hand right into it. He plucked one of the ethereal little lights that seemed to float in his head and pulled it out. It must’ve hurt, because his skin did that jagged rippling thing, but he didn’t make any sound as he dropped the piece of himself into the bowl.
The witch was staring at us with wide eyes, but she kept chanting. She was going to have some stories to tell her friends over drinks after our little visit.
Her eyes glowed white, and she threw the shimmering magic bowl into the air. It transformed and exploded with light, turning into a portal.
“You may want to open one of these for yourself,” Zey said as we stepped up to the swirling, powerful magic. “You’re about to have some very unpleasant company.”
The crone threw her head back and laughed. “I don’t let anyone drive me out of my home—especiallyfilhos da mãebrand new to this world.”
“Thank you!” I smiled as we stepped through the portal. I had to admire her strength and power.
“Thankyou! I am in your debt.”
There was a loud bang on the door, but the portal closed behind us before we could see what happened next. I really hoped she’d be OK. I liked her.
We went from one bustling, dodgy neighborhood to another. There was a different language being spoken, and the sun was only just rising over one of the busiest No Man’s Land cities in the world, but the general vibe was the same.
I turned to Zey and found him observing our surroundings with a very sour look on his face.
“You good?” I nudged him and we started moving through the crowd. I wasn’t sure where we were heading yet, but we couldn’t just stand around holding our dicks in our hands.