Page 41 of Like You Know
Aww! That was kind of sweet. I almost felt bad for what I was about to do. But I’d already made up my mind, and I could be stubborn like that sometimes.
“Good to know.” I spoke the words millimeters from his mouth, my lips barely brushing his. His eyes started to close, and I made my move.
I took a quick, sure step backward, planted my hands on his chest, and in one swift move shoved him right into the pool.
He hadn’t even noticed me maneuvering us toward the edge as we danced, and the shocked look on his face as he went sailing backward toward the water was priceless. Totally worth another missed opportunity to finally kiss him.
I laughed out loud. I laughed with my whole body, throwing my head back and not giving a shit what I would look like if someone happened to snap a picture. Everyone around us laughed and cheered too as Jet emerged from the water half glaring and half chuckling. Those who hadn’t seen what happened moved closer, drawn by the sudden sound of splashing water and whooping people.
When Jet stood, I realized my mistake. The water of the pool reached to just below his chest, and if he looked hot in a dress shirt, he was positively irresistible with it soaking wet and plastered to his body. Droplets of water trickled down his face and neck. It was like a scene from one of my romance novels, and I was so here for it.
Suddenly the music cut off, and my girls came rushing toward me through the tight crowd. For a second, I panicked, wondering what the hell was wrong, but then I realized they looked excited and happy. Donna raised a microphone as they reached my side.
“Everyone, shut up,” she demanded, her voice amplified. “Only fifteen seconds to go until my girl is eighteen!”
She checked the phone that Mena held up for her, then started the countdown from ten. Everyone joined in, and a rooftop full of drunk, happy people rang in my birthday like it was 1999.
Jet joined in, grinning up at me as he swiped the water off his face and waded to the edge of the pool. Everyone was still cheering like crazy when the DJ started up the music again with a banger.
The atmosphere was electric!
Electricity and water didn’t mix, but Jet looked too good to resist, all wet for me as he was.
I kicked my shoes off, dropped my purse next to them, and launched myself into the pool yelling, “Happy birthday to meeeee!”
I didn’t even care about the designer dress or my makeup getting ruined as I let myself sink to the bottom. Kicking up to the surface, I laughed as I brushed water out of my face.
Others joined in, shucking pieces of clothing or jumping in fully dressed. And then half my friends were in the pool, and suddenly it was a pool party.
The warm water felt wonderful against my skin—refreshing after all the dancing and drinking—and it sobered me up quite a bit too. So I can’t blame what happened next on the alcohol. It was all me. Well, me and Jet.
I lost track of him with everyone jumping into the pool, but he found me. A strong arm wrapped around my middle from behind, and I turned to face him.
“There’s no getting away from me now, unless you plan on throwing me off the building,” he joked, pulling me in closer.
“Just shut up and kiss me before I change my mind.” I draped my arms around his neck but waited for him to lean in. I’d done enough chasing with this guy. If he wanted me, he’d have to come and get me.
And he did. Confidently, he captured my lips with his, and I could’ve sworn a round of fireworks went off. The party, the music, all the people splashing around us faded away. There was just Jethro’s lips on mine, Jethro’s arms holding me close, Jethro’s tongue swiping at my mouth, pleading and demanding more all at once.
I opened for him, and our tongues danced. Everything seemed heightened, my skin hyperaware of everywhere we touched, of how the water itself seemed to flow around us as though trying to push us closer. My legs circled his waist, and he gripped my thighs as we kissed for what felt like hours and barely a few seconds at the same time.
This was the best birthday ever!
This wasthe worst birthday ever.
I rolled over and groaned. My stomach seemed to keep rolling long after the rest of my body was still. I pulled the covers over my head to hide from the light, but I had to tug them back off immediately when I started to gag from the smell of my own breath.
After Jet and I finished making out in the pool, I got very drunk. To be fair, I wasn’t the only one, and it was my birthday, but I had only vague memories of Hendrix and Jet trying to wrangle us girls into a waiting car. I had no idea where the other boys had ended up, nor how we’d managed to get out of the car and into my house.
Did I puke at some point? Was that why my breath was so horrible? Come to think of it, we all might have puked, other than Donna. She had the alcohol tolerance of a large middle-aged man who’d been working a physical job and drinking a six-pack every day for two decades.
I cracked an eye open and saw my bestie in the bed next to me, her short blonde hair fanning out over her face as she snored.
Someone farted—loudly. A snort-laugh came from the direction of the daybed in the opposite corner of my room, and I lifted my head to find Mena propped up on some pillows, scrolling through her phone.
“Morning,” I croaked, my voice sounding as horrible as my breath smelled.